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Messages - rousie

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Adding Candle to an existing SFML project (SFML / CMAKE)
« on: November 09, 2023, 09:26:52 am »
Okay, So I'm setting up a practice project for SFML and I was able to figure my way around building and running it (an empty window for now) with Cmake in Xcode. Now I was trying to add the Candle library to it, but whenever I tried building Candle with the given instructions I encountered an error) and I cant seem to even build the Candle library, even if I go into the Candle folder and try to build it as instructed on git.

I mean I can try to figure out how to do some lighting with the basic SFML, but it would be amazing to play around with Candle as well.

Never worked with SFML, Cmake or Xcode before lol. Previously I have only worked with Makefiles and used VScode, so I think it's just something simple yet fundamental that I'm missing.

My file/foldersturcture in the root was:
--->in which I had the Candle cloned from git
--->in which I had my main.cpp to see if the window opens / In the main I Included includes/candle/RadialLight.hpp for the header

Linked I have my Cmake file to build the SFML and link the main with it. I thought I could build the Candle library in the subfolder and then just link it to the Cmake file I have on the upper level to build the project itself, but I think that is not the case after all.

Any tips, tricks or other notes would be greatly appreciated.

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