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Messages - dreamrider

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General discussions / How viable is SFML for arcade games and metroidvanias
« on: December 28, 2023, 06:55:54 am »
Hi Everyone!

I met SFML at the beginning of 2023 but didn't get serious with it, I have to say I had a blast working with it, sadly it isn't as popular as other libraries (wouldn't say it has detractors but rather other libraries have a bigger userbase and of course more fans), my other choice is SDL, basically because of the possibility to compile your project for systems other than windows/linux/mac, the more realistic being for web using emscripten (I don't plan on making games for web, but I still consider it a powerful tool for showcase without having others download anything).

So what do I want to do with these tools, what do I expect?
My end goal is to make a single player metroidvania.
I do have a long list of classic titles I want to "remake" (as learning exercises, but if the project is promising enough I'll definitely do my own version with my own assets), from simple as centipede/space invaders to as complex and even polished as classic arcade beat-em-ups (like Golden Axe, TMNT)...
Not sure if I should mention fighting games too as probably those would be better to do with a commercial game engine but if it's possible why not?

So my question would be, how viable would it be for me to do this with SFML (I'm quite certain SFML is more than enough even for my metroidvania, hell even would make my level editor using SFML! but better get confirmation, still can't understand what other older posts on the same topic mean when they say SFML lacks things other libraries like SDL do have, aside from the shipping part), also I would use a small reality check on my expectations for shipping games (is web really a good target for showcase?).

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