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Messages - muhammad kafeel

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / video and photo animation editing
« on: February 22, 2024, 08:45:52 am »
Is it possible to make the video editing in sfml and we can easily convert you shapes and widnow sreen of sfml window to video easily. I you need to make the animation video from sfml with the help of media foundtion c++ then it is possible to make this activity in this perpose you need to capture the window or shapes into picture and then picture is possible to  convert into frames and make the video for sample i give the example in which i read the picture from url and convert it into video this file are attached with this comment. By using the sfml you can convert the sfml shapes and text picture and other data that display in it i give the example file that attached with this comment in which i capture the window that maked with winapi c++ and convert into video easily and i give the example file in which you add the shapes to video

If you like my this proposal and satisfiy with my proposal contect with me i make the project then
Thaks for reading

Feature requests / Addng video and audio editing in sfml
« on: February 21, 2024, 06:19:19 pm »
Hy my name is kafeel and i have a proposal for your sfml library. I want to tell you that if you add the video and audio editing code in your library then sfml most used for gaming and video editing. You know many 3d software are aviable in internet that make the games and also make the video animation. For this perpose i tell you that you add the video editing code in your library so that people can easily convert or record the any seen of own game if he made game with sfml. and if he want to made 3d animation software with sfml whose make the games and also make the animation video then he can easily work with it

I have a proposal for you that i have the video and audio editing conset complete. i have a code to make video and audio editing using media foundation c++ i provideo the code if you need my proposal my personal emails
as the sample this code file attached in which you can easily change the video into gray color frames and store it. I can prove that this is possible to make the video editing
address is muhammadkafeelmunir@gmail.com

Pages: [1]