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Messages - simiF

Pages: [1]
Ah, kojack, you were right. When I instantiate the window in my source code, I just set it to 1920x1080. I need to do some digging to see what that actually means across different native resolution screens.

I also need to look into what views are  ::)

Thanks, y'all!  ;D

I am not sure how the Insert Image works  :(. but the images are added as attachments

I am learning SFML by making Pong. My project is set up to build on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. I currently build on all 3 on every PR (thanks SFML template).

I also test on Windows and MacOS. I have made an odd observation, and I am not sure if it's an error on my side, or something funny going on with MacOS.

Below is a Windows screenshot, and both of the player and enemy paddles are perfectly aligned:

Below is a MacOS screenshot of the same build:

Some of the interesting observations:
  • Dividing Lane is perfectly down the middle
  • Both Player and Enemy paddles are shifted to the right

Below is the code snipped that determines the position of both paddles:
Player::Player(bool main_player, const float& width, const float& length)
        : _main_player{ main_player }, _width{ width }, _length{ length }, _size(_width, _length), _rect(_size)
    float x_pos_from_side = 200.f;

    float centered_y_pos = 0.5f * (_window_y_size - _length);
    float x_pos = _main_player ? x_pos_from_side : _window_x_size - x_pos_from_side - _width;

    _rect.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x_pos, centered_y_pos));

Pages: [1]