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Messages - johnnywz00

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DotNet / How to generate SFML.Net documentation
« on: November 17, 2024, 05:35:36 am »
Never mind... I finally got AI to teach me how to generate it. I sure lost some hair in the process, though. Here is what I did. Happy are those who already knew how to generate documentation.

Download source for Doxygen (1.12.0 at the time of posting)
Build with CMake. Oh, wait... your version of "bison" isn't good enough for Doxygen? Download bison 2.7. (On Mac I used the Terminal command `brew install bison@2.7`). What, CMake still thinks your version of "bison" isn't good enough? Click on CMake's "Environment" button (GUI CMake), and where you see PATH, enter the full path to where bison 2.7 is located, and then a colon, BEFORE the paths that are currently typed there. If you used `brew install`, this path is likely to be something like `/opt/homebrew/Cellar/bison@2.7/2.7.1_1/bin`.
Now CMake should configure correctly and generate a Makefile.
In Terminal navigate to the Doxygen/build folder and enter `make`.
If you want you can install the `doxygen` binary somewhere in your PATH like /usr/local/bin. Or you can use it right where it sits and include its full path to invoke it.
You should have the source code download for SFML.Net. In Terminal, navigate to the `src` folder within that folder. Once there, enter:
`/path/to/doxygen -g Doxyfile.sfml.net`
Then open that file with a text editor. The AI recommended that I fill out the following fields: there may be more that you'll want, but this should at least give you something. The default generated Doxyfile is large, so just use the Find command to look for these keywords:

PROJECT_BRIEF = "Simple and Fast Multimedia Library for .NET"
INPUT = /path/to/sfml.net/source/code   (if the Doxyfile is located in .../SFML.Net.x.x.x/src/ this can be blank)

Save and close the Doxyfile.
In Terminal type:
`/path/to/doxygen Doxyfile.sfml.net`
There should now be a "docs" folder located within "src". Go inside "docs", make an alias/symlink of "index.html", and put that alias somewhere easy to access.
You've finally got C# SFML Docs, and a lot less hair.

DotNet / .NET documentation help
« on: November 16, 2024, 03:52:30 pm »
I am trying to learn C# for a potential job opportunity in the future. I have played around with C++ SFML for several years and I'd really like to just get my feet wet by more or less translating some of my existing projects to C#/SFML.Net.
Could anyone send me/point me to the C# API docs *in HTML form*? Or give me clear step by step instructions how to produce them? All that I see docwise that came with the .Net download are four .xml files corresponding to each of the main four SFML libraries. I have wasted an entire free evening trying to figure out how to generate or get a hold of a simple doc system where I click on index.html and from there everything is linked and displayed properly in a browser. Can the C# development environment display them somehow? I tried downloading Doxygen source but first it talked about some obscure command line program that was out of date even though I have just updated my new Mac to the latest Sequoia. After some tedious wading and arcane online research, I got CMake to recognize a newer version of bison rather than the old one, and got Doxygen built. And then I was lost again, generating a default Doxyfile from the Doxygen binary, and seeing that its contents were as long as an encyclopedia and I was meant to fill it out.

Window / Re: ARM MacOS fullscreen problems
« on: November 03, 2024, 01:09:57 pm »
Sorry for the delay... yes, basically the same issue as the link you posted. `getFullscreenModes` was returning an empty vector. I said that I could "arm-twist" a fullscreen mode by tampering with the source file (removing the `continue` as mentioned in someone else' thread), but even though the vector was no longer empty, the result wasn't correct visually (I'm not a computer wizard, so I don't really understand what's going on with resolution and scaling).
I'd like to put some of my projects on GitHub (and have fullscreen work properly if at all possible), so I need to make sure the public has access to the same SFML release that I use, so fullscreen works the same everywhere.

Currently my code doesn't switch to fullscreen mode implicitly, but checks whether the `getFullscreenModes` vector has length before doing so.
Even if that potential crash is removed in 2.6.2, is there any news on whether the actual resolutions/scalings returned will display as expected? There was never an issue with this on my last (Intel) Mac, so I don't know where the logic differs, or how the old process could be mimicked.
Thanks, and thanks for SFML!

Window / ARM MacOS fullscreen problems
« on: October 26, 2024, 04:00:14 am »
I moved all of my work, SFML and other, from an Intel Mac (Mojave) to an ARM/M3 Mac (Sequoia) and was dismayed to find that my fullscreen games no longer work.

I have seen this issue reported already... I am wondering, what is the status of the fix? I am able to arm-twist a fullscreen mode (haven't verified if it's properly centered yet) on my own computer by tampering with the VideoModeImpl.cpp file and building sfml-window that way, but I would like to publish my projects to GitHub and any potential viewers will be using the "real" SFML library to build the project.

Is this fixed in 2.6.2, and does 2.6.2 have a projected release date?
John Z.

General / Re: Mouse motion trouble #2
« on: June 27, 2024, 07:24:14 pm »
I don't know much about signing, just looked some stuff up... does that require paying some kind of annual fee and getting certification?

General / Re: Trouble building SFGUI
« on: June 27, 2024, 05:34:39 pm »
I believe you may have been right about the font loading.  When I get time, I will try to build my own small test app with SFGUI, rather than relying on the examples, and see if things work (at least in the majority). If so, then perhaps the comment-out approach will indeed be an option that Mac users will want to be aware of (within whatever range of my OS version that produces similar behavior).

General / Re: Trouble building SFGUI
« on: June 27, 2024, 02:07:03 am »
I have been running some of the SFGUI samples, and no text appears in any of them, including Hello World!. I am going to assume that this is because I commented out the inclusion of CoreFoundation without specifying anything as a replacement?

General / Re: Trouble building SFGUI
« on: June 27, 2024, 01:00:04 am »
[EDIT: this allows the build process to complete, but the library does not seem to be fully functional in use]

Good news! I found at least a partial solution in a different thread. I have successfully built and installed SFGUI on MacOS 10.14.2 (although I haven't given it a test run yet). The problem revolved around a CoreFoundation framework in the OS, and the solution (such as it is) is to comment out certain lines in the CMakeLists.txt file.
That is to say, you can use CMake to do "configure" and "generate" (I used Unix makefiles, not XCode projects, so this solution may only apply to this approach).
Then, (before using "make"), navigate to the main SFGUI folder and open the file "CMakeLists.txt".

elseif( APPLE )
108    #find_library( COREFOUNDATION_LIBRARY CoreFoundation )
109   #mark_as_advanced( COREFOUNDATION_LIBRARY )

111   #add_library( CoreFoundation SHARED IMPORTED )
112   #set_target_properties(
113   #   CoreFoundation PROPERTIES
115   #      INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Headers"
116   #)
118   #target_link_libraries( ${TARGET} PUBLIC CoreFoundation )
   set( LIB_PATH "lib" )
elseif( "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Linux" )

all of the hashtag comment symbols were added by me, and if you comment out those numbered lines, save the file, then you can open Terminal and go to the build folder and execute "make".

Mods, is this info worth posting somewhere prominent for all Mac users of SFGUI to be aware of?

General / Re: Mouse motion trouble #2
« on: June 27, 2024, 12:11:10 am »
It is, but I wasn't sure if anyone saw my ultimate question since the problem of the original post was resolved...

I confess I haven't thoroughly read through your code, but I note that in your initialization portion you may be incurring a lot of redundancy the way the `if` statements are written.
I would suggest the form:

else if(i>19) {}
else if(i>10 {}
else {}

General / Mouse motion trouble #2
« on: June 26, 2024, 10:14:15 pm »
Has anyone used calls to Mouse::setPosition, and found that they must go into system settings and give fresh permission to their game/application after every single recompile? Does anyone know of a workaround for this?

General / Trouble building SFGUI
« on: June 26, 2024, 10:10:37 pm »
I'm no low-level genius, and I've stumbled my way through CMake a couple of times, but I have no idea if I'm misconfiguring something or missing a step.
I used CMake GUI to generate Unix makefile, then in terminal I navigated to the build dir and entered a bare "make" command.
Can someone explain to me this (attached screenshot) Terminal error during the build process of SFGUI 0.4.0? Running MacOS 10.14.2. Thanks...

General / Re: Mouse motion help
« on: June 13, 2024, 05:03:00 am »
I think what's happening is that every time I rebuild and run after adding a few tweaks to the code (using XCode), the computer sees it as a separate application and denies access again. That could be quite an impediment to continuing to develop the game project, but at least I think I know what's going on.
Is there any kind of workaround for this? Thanks again for the help. I have really enjoyed tinkering with SFML!

General / Re: Mouse motion help [SOLVED]
« on: June 12, 2024, 03:12:03 pm »
Good to know!

As a matter of fact I'm still struggling with the mouse thing... I can successfully watch the cursor jump in test projects, but in the particular project where I'm trying to actually use it, I'm still getting no effects from Mouse::setPosition even though the application has a checkmark under the system privacy settings (and even though a few seemingly random times this application actually did execute the cursor jump!)...

Also, I didn't realize 3 was out, but I don't know if I'd want to make the switch mid-project...

General / Re: Mouse motion help
« on: June 11, 2024, 06:31:24 pm »
I've found the problem, for anyone else that may encounter a similar situation.
I had to go into the Privacy settings of my (MacOS) operating system, and permit the SFML application to have control of the computer before it would allow a call to Mouse::setPosition.
Thanks again!

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