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Messages - lehoangan02

Pages: [1]
Hello, I'm trying to build a SFML app (dictionary app)
I'm encountering an issue where my SFML window loses focus on startup, leading to unexpected behavior with mouse interactions.
  • Platform: macOS (apple silicon)
  • SFML version: 2.6.1
  • Behavior: The render window doesn't have focus. Some elements in the SFML window require double-clicking to respond, even though they are designed to work with a single-click. However, it is unable to regain focus when being clicked on (some how still able to poll double-click as two separate single-click event.) Also, the loading screen doesn't draw during startup, the drawLoadingScreen function only works after startup.
  • Cause: This seems to happen if I click on the program icon in my dock while it's starting up (there is a heavy function call before the event loop). The SFML window appears to lose focus but still registers a double-click as two separate single-click events. Despite this, clicking the SFML window itself does not restore focus.
  • Conditions: The problem is particularly noticeable when auto-save is enabled and the last save (serialized data) is large.
  • Temporary workaround: Switching to another program and then switching back to the SFML window restores the expected behavior.
Why is this happening? I never touch the sf::Event on LostFocus and GainFocus. I recheck my code and other than that it works fine.
Here is the relevant part of my code.
void instance::operatePage1()
        if (!loadedSave)
                drawLoadingPage(); /* this is supposed to draw the loading page but it doesn't */
                deserializeBinaryWrapper(pRoot); /* this is very slow and allow me to click on the executable`s icon in the dock during it`s startup */
                loadedSave = true;
        while (windowInstance.pollEvent(event))
                switch (event.type)
                        case sf::Event::Closed:
                        case sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed:
This is the loading page function
void instance::drawLoadingPage()

Pages: [1]