hello i am learning sfml and created a small game where if a bullet hits an enemy it spawns smaller enemies on according to the vertices of the bigger enemy. The problem is while the smaller enemies are spawing the movement is quite unusual and the smaller enemies are spawing per frame i think. I have tried everything to fix it but i just dont know what i am doing wrong. i am using an ECS system btw.
//Collision of the bullet and the enemy
void Game::sCollision()
for (auto & b : m_entities.getEntities("bullet"))
for (auto &e : m_entities.getEntities("enemy"))
Vec2 & bulletpos = b->cTransform->pos;
Vec2 & enemypos = e->cTransform->pos;
const auto& eCR = e->cCollision->collisionRadius;
const auto& bCR = b->cCollision->collisionRadius;
if (enemypos.dist(bulletpos) < (eCR + bCR)*(eCR + bCR))
// spawning the number of smaller enemies according to the shape and spawing it in different angles
void Game::spawnSmallEnemy(std::shared_ptr<Entity>& e)
//get the number of sides
size_t vertices = e->cShape->circle.getPointCount();
Vec2 parentpos{ e->cTransform->pos.x,e->cTransform->pos.y };
Vec2 normalizedparnetpos{ Vec2::normalize(parentpos) };
//misc info
sf::Color parentfill{ e->cShape->circle.getFillColor() };
sf::Color OutlineColor{ e->cShape->circle.getOutlineColor() };
float thickness{ e->cShape->circle.getOutlineThickness() };
float smallenemyRadius{ e->cShape->circle.getRadius() * 0.5f };
float smallenemyCollision{ e->cCollision->collisionRadius*0.5f };
//looping through each angle with the sides as parameters
float angle{ 0 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertices; i++)
//spawn small enemy
auto smallEnemy = m_entities.addEntity("SmallEnemy");
double radians{ angle * PI / 180 };
Vec2 velocity
std::cos(radians) * normalizedparnetpos.x + std::sin(radians) * normalizedparnetpos.y,
std::sin(radians) * normalizedparnetpos.x - std::cos(radians) * normalizedparnetpos.y,
//Get the lenght of the vector
float L{ sqrtf(velocity.x * velocity.x + velocity.y * velocity.y) };
//Normalize the vector to get an unit vector
Vec2 normalizedVelocity{ velocity.x / L,velocity.y / L };
//Scales the normalized vertor by the parents velocity
Vec2 newVelocity{ normalizedVelocity.x * e->cTransform->vel.x, normalizedVelocity.y * e->cTransform->vel.y };
smallEnemy->cTransform = std::make_shared<CTransform>(parentpos, newVelocity, 0.0f);
smallEnemy->cShape = std::make_shared<CShape>(smallenemyRadius, vertices, parentfill, OutlineColor, thickness);
smallEnemy->cCollision = std::make_shared<CCollision>(smallenemyCollision);
smallEnemy->cLifespan = std::make_shared<CLifespan>(70);
angle += 360 / vertices;
//Movement of the player and the enemies
void Game::smovement()
for (auto e : m_entities.getEntities())
if (e->tag() =="player")
//set rotation of the player
m_player->cTransform->angle += 1.0f;
//movement of the player
m_player->cTransform->pos += playervel;
else if (e->cTransform)
//Updates the position of the entities
e->cTransform->pos += e->cTransform->vel;
//Rotates the entity
e->cTransform->angle += 1.0f;
Image of the problem