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Messages - Yonis65

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Problem while linking sfml
« on: January 09, 2025, 01:53:33 pm »
Thank you so much, that was the problem

General / Problem while linking sfml
« on: January 09, 2025, 12:30:19 pm »
Hello, I'm new to c++ but not coding. I'm having a lot of trouble to setup a project with sfml.
I followed the tutorial on the original website, and also multiple tutorial on youtube, step-by-step and I couldn't manage to get it to work. The strange thing is that I don't get any linker error and everything at the beginning seems to work fine, until I add some code to work with sfml(including something is enough)
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
After I add this line I get 400+ errors, which are syntax error in the sfml files. I don't think it's a linker problem but I'm not sure. I'm using SFML 3.0.0 for Visual C++ 17 (2022) 64bit. These are the errors https://pastebin.com/mvAjtge9.

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