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Messages - tyranid12

Pages: [1]
Thanks, this worked perfectly!

Graphics / Detect if sf::LineStrip primitive overlaps sf::RectangleShape
« on: January 29, 2025, 11:03:02 pm »
I have an sf::VertexArray, with two points, and a primitive type of sf::LineStrip. I want to detect if an object (which will be an sf::RectangleShape) is overlapping on this line.
Reading the documentation, I was drawn towards sf::VertexArray::getBounds(), however it appears that returns a rectangle containing both points. This is not what I want. I would like it so that I can calculate whether or not an object is actually touching the rendered line, which spans between the two vertexes.
I have looked at the documentation ,however I cannot appear to find a solution with my desired effect. I cannot find it on the forums either. How would I be able to do this?

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