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Messages - Intrexa

Pages: [1]
Audio / SFML2 Audio format seperating audio by instrument
« on: November 28, 2011, 05:15:41 pm »
I googled each of the file formats that SFML supports, I just want to make sure I'm not missing something obvious.

What I want is for a song to have several instruments in it, and to be able to dynamically remove or add a single instrument from it. So say a song has drums, guitar, and piano, I want to be able to stop the piano dynamically at 40 seconds in, and start it again 80 seconds in.

Obviously I can simply have a different file for each instrument, but this seems rather inefficent and obtouse. I am new completly new to everything audio, so I really have no knowledge on audio files or the way it is playedback, so any advice is very much welcomed.

Which format/method would allow me to produce my desired effect, without taking up unreasonable amounts of disk space and ram?

Graphics / Dividing a sprite sheet into individual usable images
« on: January 27, 2011, 03:32:31 am »
I have sprite sheets of character animations sized roughly 640x640 each, with each individual sprite being 80x80. My current method of using these sheets is to load the entire image into an sf::image, then subdivide each 80x80 animation into a vector, then make a map<string, &sf::image> so that I can name things easier, such as DennisWalk0 - DennisWalk4 for walking animations. Individual sprites will refer to the map to get the needed image. I'm curious if anyone would like to share with me a better, more efficient, or easier to use way of doing this. It's a pain, because say on 1 sheet block 3x3 is a walk animation, but on another sheet block 3x3 might be an attack animation, so each sheet needs me to hardcode and individually name maybe 60 animations, and I have maybe 40 sheets that I want to use.

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