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Messages - Annuate

Pages: [1]
General / SFML in Netbeans
« on: February 01, 2011, 04:49:58 pm »
I wonder if anyone's ever successfully gotten SFML running in Netbeans before..

Not sure I'm having some problems with this in netbeans as well. Though I am using linux(ubuntu) and I think you are using windows? I've tried to follow the instructions at http://trevoke.net/blog/2009/03/08/howto-sfml-with-netbeans/ but cant seem to get it working. Though I think I have made it a bit farther as in I can get my files to compile with the include and and g++ linker options. But once I try to use some of the code from the tuts it complains and fails; reason of undefined refs. Its a shame since I generally enjoy using netbeans. Funny thing is I can get it working if I just use the command-line with g++ so I'm assuming its something wacky perhaps in netbeans itself or I'm reading the options wrong ;/. Either way I'll continue on my quest to get this to work!

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