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Messages - sammy

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Attaching image to a sprite
« on: February 06, 2011, 03:04:34 pm »
hmm, that were my solutions, too. but when executing the code line-by-line in visual studio, the GetImage-function is called properly and the right image is returned. but after calling the SetImage-method and befor the tempRes is deleted, the sprite contains no image. so as i concluded, the deleting of the tempRes can't cause this problem. or am i wrong?

@ nexus
yes your right, there is a lot of redundance in my code, i just have to simplify it... :roll:
the manager returns the base class, but it would be better to overload the GetRes-function

Graphics / Attaching image to a sprite
« on: February 06, 2011, 01:49:56 pm »
i'm sure that i just mad a very stupid mistake but i can't help myself
here's my code
Code: [Select]

void CDrawable::SetResource(std::string strID)
m_strResourceID = strID;

CResourceBMP* tempRes;
tempRes = static_cast<CResourceBMP* > (RESOURCEMANAGER->GetResource(m_strResourceID));
delete tempRes;
tempRes = NULL;
sf::Image CResourceBMP::GetImage()
return m_pImage;

The GetImage() method hands over a reference to its image, but m_pSprite just contains a NULL-pointer as image after calling SetImage() so that the programm just draws white rectangles or i get an acces violating.
the RESOURCEMANAGER stores the resources in a map, but its already completed when setting the resources to the objects. so it can't be an error cause of moving the image in memory because the vector/map expands.

i don't see the forrest because of all the trees, as you say here in Germany;)

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