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Messages - Paulo Alcino

Pages: [1]
General / Run time crash with Code::Blocks, fine with VC++
« on: February 11, 2011, 01:49:06 am »

I am writing because I just started using SFML but am facing some weird problems. I was trying to follow the first tutorial about windows.

My IDE of choice is Code::Blocks but I usually set it to use the VC++ compiler. Nevertheless, I have MinGW at hand, just in case. Ah, in case it helps, I'm running Windows 7 on a laptop with an ATI graphics card.

So, I write a simple program to display a blank window. It compiles fine. When running, however, upon reaching the line where I declare the sf::Window it crashes. If, however, I compile the thing within VC++ 2010 it works just fine.

So, is there any reason why this is happening?

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