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Messages - kaoD

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Project CAMP - open-source reflection library for C++
« on: February 15, 2011, 06:00:11 pm »
Took a brief look. It's exactly what I needed!

I had some projects in mind that needed scripting, but the more I thought about it, the more complex it looked, and I complicated it even more because I didn't want to limit myself to just one scripting language. I thought about implementing a whole wrapper with abstract factories around many scripting engines but gave up on the idea.

I suppose the automatic binding with scripting languages is still in development or will be a module to CAMP, right?

General discussions / Windows (focus, decoration...) and spatial sound
« on: February 15, 2011, 05:47:52 pm »
Hello. I was looking for an alternative to SDL that supported multiple windows and found SFML. Nice library, looks real good and really fits my needs (at the moment.)

I just needed a portable window management system to wrap around OpenGL. I'm planning to do a game with many windows, but I don't want to write a virtual window system inside my game. I've chosen true windows for simplicity and easy of customization and integration for the user.

I see SFML does not support focus requests... is it ever going to be implemented? I sure hope so, I'll try to implement in between OSes myself, but still... And, is there any portable way to know if some window has the focus? Will multi-display be supported anytime soon?

I'm also interested in undecorated windows, since I want to draw my own borders, title bar... I didn't find anything about this, is it possible? Will it ever be?

I will probably use the spatialized sound module too. Is is really spatial? I mean, does it process the signals to simulate a 3d sound with two speakers? Is it only for multi-speaker systems (5.1, 8.1...)? I'd test it myself, but I don't have headphones, so the effect wouldn't really work.


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