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Messages - Alejandro

Pages: [1] 2
SFML projects / SFML Light System - Let There Be Light
« on: March 10, 2012, 08:34:52 pm »

I'm having the same problem as 1337Matty, but even after I download GLEW 1.6.0 the errors are there. I have linked against glew32mxs, glew32s and libopengl32. Using MinGW 4.6.1 on Windows 7 64-bit.

Code: [Select]

obj\Release\LTBL\src\LightSystem.o:LightSystem.cpp|| undefined reference to `_imp____glewBlendFuncSeparate'|
obj\Release\LTBL\src\SFML_OpenGL.o:SFML_OpenGL.cpp|| undefined reference to `_imp__glewInit'|
||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 0 warnings ===|

If you have any suggestions as to how to fix the problem, I would be more than happy to try them :)

SFML projects / TGUI: a c++ GUI for SFML
« on: March 10, 2012, 07:24:35 pm »
Thanks a lot for the bug fixes and new features, everything works like a charm now.

After trying to find the root of my crash problem with edit box, I decided to copy everything from the sample form text file and it seems that my problems might derive from encoding or character issues, which were fixed by copying text from the original form file.

And something to say, so that this post would be more useful:

Is it a bug or feature that when an edit box loses focus, if it had text selected it is still selected, while another edit box has some other text selected and so on ...?

Edit: I don't use the setScale function as all the GUI elements I make are match and if something doesn't match, I make a new image. Also I always set the size, because otherwise the text seems too big for me /in this case I set size to 17, which doesn't really matter that much/.

If you want I can send you and image of what happens and the images and files for you to test as well.

SFML projects / TGUI: a c++ GUI for SFML
« on: March 10, 2012, 02:28:30 pm »
Just for reference, the panel file doesn't get loaded, but the one that does get loaded has window and a picture and 5 buttons, but if I call removeAllObjects it crashes, so that you know the problem isn't in file loading :)

Edit1: If I try to set text to an edit box in a form text file, the app crashes.

Edit2: Sometimes the text on a button gets blurry, which is probably because of floating point math for centering it on the button. A simple cast to int should fix it :)

SFML projects / TGUI: a c++ GUI for SFML
« on: March 10, 2012, 12:44:08 pm »
Sorry for spamming the thread, but I had another problem while trying to do screen transitions.

I know that I can delete multiple elements by name, or all by calling a single function, but when I do call removeAllObjects, the application crashes and I don't think that deleting every single object is a good idea, when your loading from text files.

I tried something like:
Code: [Select]

Panel: "Main"
    Picture: "Pic1"
        Filename = "Data/Images/GUI/Backgrounds/Main.png"

and eventually delete the panel "Main" by code and later load another form text file, but to start, nothing renders at all, which leads me to the conclusion that I am not using panels properly, or they aren't meant to hold other objects /which I doubt since window is derived from panel/.

The possible solutions I can think of are:
- Learning how to use a panel properly.
- Having a function removeObjectsFromFile, which takes a form text file and searches for the names.
- After the call of removeAllObjects with the fact that there is a window object in the text file, something could be messing up the GUI window.

SFML projects / TGUI: a c++ GUI for SFML
« on: March 10, 2012, 10:45:21 am »
After fiddling around with the format of the text which enables you to use forms I found out that I don't how whether there is a way to set a callback to a widget. I know that I can get the widget by name in code and set its callback there, but can I write a line in the form text for each widget, which specifies its callback ID ?

Anyway, even without a form editor everything is pretty straightforward, so that you won't get frustrated or confused while trying to configure your GUI :)

SFML projects / TGUI: a c++ GUI for SFML
« on: March 09, 2012, 07:55:28 pm »
Thank you for the quick reply, didn't expect to get an answer so soon  :D

I'm not using Linux, I have a Windows 7 64-bit with an ATI card, which for the most part of my problems doesn't matter.

Anyway thanks for clearing up the problems with scale and deleting objects :) /because I read in the example code about the things that could be caused by it and borders, but didn't relate that the problem with the text could originate from here/

About the skinning, I realize that I have to make the images by myself, I just wanted to note that the way it is implemented in this GUI library is far easier than the ones I've tried before on other languages as well.

Sorry about clogging your TODO list, I hope you get to do the things YOU want for this project and that more people will find it useful and contribute to its development :)

SFML projects / TGUI: a c++ GUI for SFML
« on: March 09, 2012, 03:34:25 pm »

You have a nice project here and I'm happy to see that there is another GUI library which for me at least is easier to use :)

I know it has been only 3 days, but I would like to ask how much do you think the form builder might take you ? /nothing too accurate, 1 week or a month seems reasonable for me/ This is because I love the ability to see your GUI on the fly and not hit compile for every minor adjustment of a widget.

Also I would like to say some things about the library, because this should be a two way process and people should not only want new things, but give feedback for already implemented functionality.

I looooooove the ability for skinning which is something not every GUI library can so easily achieve. I do have some questions and suggestions though:

- Can we change the font used by the GUI globally?

- When I hit the "Delete" button from the keyboard to delete text past the cursor in the edit box, nothing happens and everywhere else I think such a feature exists.

- When the arrows are pressed down and held, the cursor in the edit box doesn't move forward/back.

- The text in the edit box in the example code shows only "The tex" and I have to move the cursor to reveal everything else, while there is space in the widget where the text should be drawn, but isn't. /Also on the first run of the example I had a bug with the edit box where the cursor went out of the borders of the edit box and as I typed text, the cursor went on over the image, but unfortunately I can't recreate it again to see what could have caused it./

- IMO there should be a hover event for the items in the combo box and the scrolling list box, because otherwise the GUI seems like it is in lag or dead.

Good work with the project so far :)

Edit 1: Oh it occurred to me now that I have another question:
- How are we supposed to get rid of the GUI elements which we no longer need and delete them from the system, because I see that there is a Hide function, but hiding quite a lot of buttons isn't always effective if we want to gain more speed for other rendering and calculating processes?

Window / Prevent SFML from changing cursor (when changed in Qt app)
« on: August 28, 2011, 07:09:06 am »
Actually since I don't use different cursors for different states, I just tell Qt when initializing the app to change the default cursor to an image I made and it stays like that the entire time, while the cursor is over the main window and it's elements:

Code: [Select]

QPixmap curImage("Data/GUI/Images/Cursor.png");
QCursor cur(curImage,0,0);

If something isn't like it is in my application, it might be because I'm using SFML 2.0, but I don't think that might be a problem.

SFML projects / Cardepia, a Tower Defense game to bring some flavour
« on: August 27, 2011, 08:51:30 am »
This is what I am going to implement in the zen mode play style. I will try to come up with an algorithm that randomly picks what type of wave is going to come (fast, slow, immune, pack, boss, etc.) and decides how strong it should be, based on the gold/lives/towers you have, but I still haven't thought of what could be different from the arcade mode. I would like the arcade gameplay to resemble something like a campaign mode with storyline, whereas those who just want infinite gameplay could go to zen mode.

Window / Prevent SFML from changing cursor (when changed in Qt app)
« on: August 27, 2011, 08:44:01 am »
I use Qt and SFML together as well and compiling them for the first time I noticed this "feature" as well. As it may not seem to be pretty I just told sfml to hide the cursor and it pretty much gets the job done for me.
Code: [Select]

void sf::Window::ShowMouseCursor ( bool   Show )

SFML projects / Cardepia, a Tower Defense game to bring some flavour
« on: August 26, 2011, 08:39:02 pm »
Updated the link with a folder containing info for 39 waves for those of you who didn't have the time to properly test the end-game towers.

SFML projects / [RELEASED] SFMLUploads.Org
« on: August 26, 2011, 04:15:45 pm »
Skimmed the thread and would like to point out some things that I would like to see (if possible):

1. Delete button for uploads - sometimes we might have to upload stuff extensively and things that aren't used should not occupy space on the server.

2. Update button for uploads - upload a new file and delete the old one (so that the link for the file stays the same, but this way you can get the updated content from the same link)

SFML projects / Cardepia, a Tower Defense game to bring some flavour
« on: August 26, 2011, 03:38:52 pm »
Static link. Do I have to do something if it is linked statically ?

Edit: I have made waves only up to wave 22 (look at the files in Data/CreepWaves (not that you can edit them in a notepad editor)). I have a wave editor which isn't quite finished, but using it to create the current waves. When I come up with a way to fix some of the issues in the wave editor I will present new creep waves and something I wanted to see in a TD game (don't actually know what other games might use it) - waves with different creeps in them.

About the slow GUI response, I am sorry, yes I use threads and am yet to find a way to separate the load so that it can be more responsive (have found a Qt article, but still wondering how to implement it).

SFML projects / Cardepia, a Tower Defense game to bring some flavour
« on: August 26, 2011, 03:27:39 pm »
Actually it is made with SFML, I just use QT for the GUI part as the solutions provided for SFML are quite complex to use.

The light/night is from the light manager on the french forum and sorry if it is too dark, since the story I would use included blotting out the sun I guess I went too hard on the basic night color. Will upload a fixed .exe as I don't want to re-upload the entire archive to eat space if there isn't something new.

Edit1: Added a download link to the fixed .exe in first post.

SFML projects / Cardepia, a Tower Defense game to bring some flavour
« on: August 26, 2011, 02:14:11 pm »
Hello to everybody!

Over the past few months/years I've started quite a few different projects, all of which abandoned mostly due to lack of motivation/interest in them or having to use many bits from libraries here and there to accomplish what I was aiming for.

Recently I started working on small scale projects which would actually get finished and one of them is a tower defense type game. For now I haven't implemented everything I would like to in it (actually it is far from completed code-wise) but I would like to share it to see what you think about it (critics, ideas, anything that could help me make it better) :)

https://legacy.sfmluploads.org/file/53 <- Link to zip containing the game.

Edit1: Forgot to write down some info you could use:

Hovering the start wave button will show information about current/next creep wave.
Hovering any of the other buttons will tell you what they do.

Information not included in descriptions:

Fire tower creates a fire explotion which deals 1/2 damage every 1 second.
Air tower renders creeps more vulnerable (noted by a yellow health bar) thus taking 2x the normal damage they would take from attacks.
Earth tower stuns the creep for 3 seconds.

Passive tower mechanism:

Passive towers have the exact same effect as their elemental equivalent, with the exception that they don't attack, you have to activate them. When activated the tower sends missiles to all creeps visible on the map (unlimited range). Due to balance reasons, you can use each of the passive towers only once per wave and even if you build more of one kind, only the 1st of them will shoot.

Special towers:

Lethal tower has a 15% chance to kill the creep immediatelly.
Bounce tower releases a missile which bounces between creeps 3 times, dealing 1/2 of the previous damage each time.
Implosion tower gathers the creeps within the splash range around the hit creep and "teleports" them on it's position.
Greed tower's maximum damage increases by 20% of the current gold you have.
Backtrack tower returns the creep 300 steps along the path (if possible).


Periodically creeps will drop bonuses, which you have to click on in order to activate them. Some of them are immediate, others provide an enhancement to your towers over a period of time. You cannot have 2 bonuses activated at the same time, if you try to, the previous bonus will get disabled and the current one will be active. For now there aren't negative bonuses, so don't hesitate to click on a bonus when you see one.

Creeps with lights:

Special creeps are marked with lights so that you know that they offer something extra. Such creeps will be available after the fifth wave. Here is some info about the current enhancements:
Yellow light - +50 gold after creep death
Purple light - creep is extra strong, thus having 10x more health (watch out for a boss creep carrying this bonus :D)
Red light - creep explodes on death, dealing aoe damage to nearby creeps based on their max health

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