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Messages - pdinklag

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Java / Re: Alternate download for JSFML .jar
« on: March 17, 2016, 07:28:09 pm »
Sorry for dropping by late!

The website downtime was not intentional, but a problem with my web server. In fact, I have no plans to take it offline anytime soon, that is until somebody is willing to take over. The domain "jsfml.org" will expire in November, but a permanent redirect is established right now and I feel it's early enough.

Here's a backup of the website anyway, somebody keep it safe:

Java / Re: Sorry, I'm out
« on: February 01, 2016, 10:36:35 am »
Thank you!
If anybody's into trance music, here's what I'm doing: http://veasna.de :)

To make things worse, apparently, SFML cannot be built on Windows 10 / VS 2015 without additional efforts - so my Windows environment is nixed for SFML as well.
Not sure what you mean exactly, but SFML starting with this commit works fine on VS 2015 (and Windows 10).
I had some kind of compiler or linker error, can't remember details to be honest. I looked for that in the forum and what I got was essentially "you can't build with VS 2015 on Win 10".

Cloned from Github (last stable, 2.3.2 I think), generated VS project using CMake, tried to build 64-bit. There usually wasn't any more I had to do. It doesn't involve any Java, so I can give it another try one of these days and report if it fails. :)

Java / Sorry, I'm out
« on: January 19, 2016, 10:34:24 am »
I guess I should finally make this official: I won't continue developing JSFML.

This is difficult for me on one hand, but on the other hand it will make my life easier and make things clear for people wondering what is going on here.

To answer the latter - nothing is going on with JSFML from my side. I am packed with work - producing music, running a small music label, studying and working at the university - and last but certainly not least, there's life itself. I have not been using Java in almost a year now, because my job changed and I grew to hate Oracle's BS. There is no development environment for JSFML that I maintained. Building the native stuff for multiple environments has been a major pain, because I have no frequent Linux system nor a Mac. To make things worse, apparently, SFML cannot be built on Windows 10 / VS 2015 without additional efforts - so my Windows environment is nixed for SFML as well.

Each time I try to motivate myself to get JSFML updated, I hit on issues like this and it plagues me. I have no use for it myself anymore and thus, I decided to just drop the burden now. Everything is on Github, so whoever wants to pick up on it: please go ahead! I'll be available to answer questions about how it works.

I apologize to those who rely on JSFML and were hoping for timely updates. Thank you for your interest in the project!

Edit by eXpl0it3r: Archived website

Java / Re: Question about jsfml
« on: January 19, 2016, 10:15:15 am »
To make things worse, apparently, I don't have a Windows environment anymore either.

I just tried to build SFML 2.3 here, but Win10 and VS 2015 seemingly aren't supported. I don't really have the time or motivation to rebuild freetype and possibly other dependencies from scratch...

Java / Re: Question about jsfml
« on: January 11, 2016, 05:02:22 pm »
I'll quote myself from another thread here. I'm seriously loaded with work these days and it's not looking good if you look for quick further development.  :-\

At the moment, no. Most SFML 2.2 changes had been incorporated, but I never made an official build because I had no environment set up. I completely lost track of what's going on when 2.3 was released, because I have no use for SFML myself at the moment.

I also said goodbye to Java after quitting a job in summer, so the situation is not exactly great for JSFML. :(
If somebody's willing to take over, that'd probably be best for the project. For now, I can only help with what's there.

Do you think sometime after new years you will be able to investigate the bug? And perhaps create a fix? Hopefully it is isn't too large of an issue?
Yes, I should have. And no, whatever it is, it should be easy to fix once I figured exactly where the problem lies. Sorry I can't help right about now.

Also, are you on Windows or Linux?
I may be able to create a fix for Windows very quickly once I got my dev stuff set up again, but for Linux I'll need an entirely new development system, that could take a little longer.

Your observations speak for a bug in the vector encoding / decoding.

Instead of passing objects between the C++ and Java parts (which is pretty slow), I'm compressing 2D vectors into 64-bit integers - the high 32 bits representing the Y coordinate and the low bits representing X. I call this the "Intercom". I suppose that something goes wrong here for certain value ranges, most likely sign bits being confused or getting lost on either the Java or C++ side.

The big problem is that I have no development environment set up for JSFML or even Java in general at the moment, and I'm rather busy preparing a music live set for a new year's party I'm booked at. So I can't do any testing and fixing right about now. :-\ I hope it's understandable.

Hm, if the SFML functions works (couldn't find any matching SFML bugs from the past), it can only be a problem with the Intercom encoding and decoding of vectors between JSFML and SFML, because no calculation is done in the Java code.

However, I fail to spot any mistakes there - and any mistake here would affect several other features. :-\

Could you specify "in certain positions"? Is there any pattern to it (e.g. the right portion of the screen, or stuff like that)?

Java / Re: Exporting problems! Please help!
« on: December 14, 2015, 09:51:40 am »
Thank you!

Also, though, sad. How would you say the current version of jSFML is though? I've used it for a little over a month now and I like it quite nice. When do you think it will be too old?
The problem is that bugfixes from the updated SFML do not go in there, so whatever problems SFML 2.1 had are in the current JSFML. It works pretty decent as far as I can tell, though.

Of course, SFML 2.2 and 2.3 brought an improved API, too, which is not in JSFML.

Hmm, I've replaced what you've told me to and I can run it through CMD as a jar but I cant run it via double click?
That's system specific, you'll need to associate JAR files to Java. If the setup doesn't do it automatically (I think only the JRE setup does, not the JDK one), then you have to do it manually.

That goes for customers, too.

You could alternatively create a batch file for launching it, or use launch4j to create an executable launcher.

Java / Re: Exporting problems! Please help!
« on: December 13, 2015, 01:37:23 am »

This means that you are reading the texture from the filesystem, not the classpath.
In your released version, you would need a directory called "res" with the file in it, it won't work in the jar.

You need to load it from the classpath / jar, using the loadFromStream method using the path to the resource (look that up, easy to find information :) ).

side note: is jSFML still being worked on?
Ouch. ;D

At the moment, no. Most SFML 2.2 changes had been incorporated, but I never made an official build because I had no environment set up. I completely lost track of what's going on when 2.3 was released, because I have no use for SFML myself at the moment.

I also said goodbye to Java after quitting a job in summer, so the situation is not exactly great for JSFML. :(
If somebody's willing to take over, that'd probably be best for the project. For now, I can only help with what's there.

Java / Re: Exporting problems! Please help!
« on: December 12, 2015, 11:14:25 pm »
Indeed, as Nexus said, the file structure of your exported version seems to be different from your IDE.
How do you load resources, via classpath or from the file structure? Maybe post a little code sample, giving us some insight on the way you load your textures, for instance.

Java / Re: GC not running?
« on: September 18, 2015, 09:39:07 am »
It doesn't sound like a JSFML specific problem to me really.
JSFML doesn't keep any object references internally as far as I know, so when you release the references, anything should work as usual. If by "forcing" you mean "System.gc()", and it works, that proves my point, because still nothing would happen if there was something wrong.

You might want to tweak the gc settings a bit, but that's out of my scope - try the JVM docs.

Java / Re: Using LWJGL and JSFML together?
« on: May 28, 2015, 11:10:44 am »
I have not done any deep research on this and cannot offer support, but Overkill posted a simple and working example once, maybe give that a try:

Java / Re: Rectangle collision problem
« on: March 18, 2015, 01:02:26 pm »
Never? ???
That's awkward... maybe it's a relic from the beginning, when I was developing against the SFML 1 API?
Anyway, it's on my TODO list. ;D

Ah, Hiura cleared this out for me.
Everything's fine, here's the explanation:

Java / Re: Rectangle collision problem
« on: March 17, 2015, 07:10:47 am »
And you are trying to reinvent the wheel if rectangle intersection.... why? I'm sure JSFML provides the equivalent of sf::Rect::intersects(...) function.
It does! :D (Javadoc)

Well, kind of! When did the SFML API change from "intersection" (calculate intersection rectangle) to "intersects" (yes/no)? I must have missed that.  :-X

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