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Messages - Justin Brimm

Pages: [1]
C / Codeblocks cannot find library, lib path correct
« on: March 17, 2011, 11:07:57 am »
I guess that explains the incompatible library warning I was getting though.

It's a shame too, especially since I was specifically looking for a library that could be statically linked. I only want a library for cross-platform windows and input; I was using GLFW, but the current version is limited in its window handling (can only support a single window open at a time), and it may be a while before the next version is out (which will have a much better windowing system), since they're rewriting the entire library from scratch.

It's probably for the best; SFML looks to have a much better window library than the current version of GLFW, but the MacOS X support is a bit lacking, and I know I'd hate myself later if I had to hack together a working window system when it came time for cross-development.

Thanks for the help though, that was an amazingly fast response.

C / Codeblocks cannot find library, lib path correct
« on: March 17, 2011, 10:33:53 am »
I was stupid and never checked the raw compiler output, just the build messages. This is what I found: "skipping incompatible lib/CSFML/Static/Debug/libcsfml-system-s-d.a when searching for -lcsfml-system-s-d"


In short, when trying to compile the clock tutorial (modified to use the C interface, of course), I get this error: "cannot find -lcsfml-system-s-d"

I have -lcsfml-system-s-d in my "Other linker options:" and my linker search path points to "lib\CSFML\Static\Debug", which is where I've put that particular library among all the other static debug libraries.

Just to cover all my bases, I also tried exactly as the tutorial says to do it and dumped everything into "lib/mingw" and added that to the linker search path as well. No dice.

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