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Messages - sammyF

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Malena And Giannina's Wonderfull Adventure
« on: July 16, 2011, 03:28:29 pm »
Not unstable per se, but Archlinux has rolling releases. 99.9% of the time it is actually very stable, considering you're always running the latest bestest newest (release) versions of everything, but in rare cases unmaintained stuff stops to work because libraries or environments they relied upon had major updates or changes (which is, as far as I can tell, what happened in this case).
Sventaro, the maintainer of the sfml package, decided to move to 1.99-git instead of completely removing sfml from the official repos, as quite a few Arch people are using SFML. I now think (after having had breakfast and fixing the incompatibilities caused by the changes to Keyboard and Joystick input) that that was the correct thing to do, even if it means some inconvenience.

SFML projects / Malena And Giannina's Wonderfull Adventure
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:18:08 pm »
Thanks :)

The girls are my twin daughters (for which I obviously wrote it :) Tons of fun filming them simulating climbing a ladder in front of a wall and jumping on the bed. Non-violent coop games are rare, and I wanted something akin to Castle of Dr.Creep or The Goonies for them, in the hope they would fight less between themselves. Now, of course, they fight about who is going to release the butterflies :P

The port to 2.0 was more or less forced on me, as I'm using Archlinux and it moved to 1.99-git a month or so ago, due to some incompatibilities (the thread in the archlinux forums can be found here https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=961518#p961518 ). I just fixed the last breakage and will blacklist any update to sfml on my system until 2.0 is released I guess.

SFML projects / Malena And Giannina's Wonderfull Adventure
« on: July 16, 2011, 11:17:38 am »

Coop run&jump game, using sfml and box2d. This was an early version, the last compilable version had 13 levels in different environments(and the one in the movie had been modified to avoid having the kids jumping for 2mn on the trampoline at the end:).
Trying to port it sfml2.0 now, and getting frustrated by the constant API changes :(

General discussions / New global inputs in SFML 2
« on: July 16, 2011, 10:46:52 am »
Quote from: "Laurent"
Don't forget that:
- SFML 2 is not even in alpha state so I can change whatever I want, whenever I want :lol:
- once SFML 2 is officially released, I won't break the API anymore in the 2.x branch

Laurent, if I understand correctly  1.6 isn't maintained anymore, and 2.0 isn't even in alpha yet and will probably have some major API changes in the future and should therefore not be used at all?


Graphics / copy a subrect to a new sf::Sprite?
« on: April 01, 2011, 03:29:19 pm »
Yep! That's what I was looking for! thanks :)

Graphics / copy a subrect to a new sf::Sprite?
« on: April 01, 2011, 02:25:35 pm »
I mean this one : http://www.sfml-dev.org/wiki/en/sources/simple_collision_detection . From the warnings it sends, it looks like it is using *all* the pixels of the 1024x128 image sequence the sprite is subRect'd from, instead of just checking the current subRect.
So I thought about creating a new image out of the subRect, and send THAT instead to the Collision::PixelPerfect (which is what I was asking about)

Graphics / copy a subrect to a new sf::Sprite?
« on: April 01, 2011, 01:35:37 pm »
In SFML1.6, is there any way to create a new sf::Sprite out of a subrect? I'm currently trying to modify the collision detection routine from the wiki so that it doesn't try to do pixel perfect collision detection of the whole sheet.


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