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Messages - HelpMe

Pages: [1]
General / SFML integration with Code::blocks
« on: April 02, 2011, 07:52:45 pm »
Well, I guess that's all I had to ask and I'm pleased I got my questions answered in a quick, concise and professional manner.

Big thank you to you Laurent and Svenstaro.
Laurent you are a genius. Keep up the good work.

General / SFML integration with Code::blocks
« on: April 02, 2011, 11:07:45 am »
Laurent that really worked, I can't express my gratitude. Now I feel I can begin exploring SFML.
I have 2 questions however.

1) I find my self continuously going to Project -> Build Options... -> Linker Settings -> Other linker options and type:


When i quit the project, exit Code::blocks or just open a new project i have to go to Project -> Build Options... again and type the same linker libraries (they don't stay).

Is there a way to keep the libraries there for every project i make.

2) I noticed that whenever i execute an SFML .exe file that has its own window a command line window opens up as well ( both for debug and release versions).

Is it possible to get rid of the command line window?

General / SFML integration with Code::blocks
« on: April 01, 2011, 09:02:26 pm »
Laurent i appreciate all your timely and concise replies but could you please tell me how exactly i use that "-static-libgcc" linker flag.

Big thank you.

General / SFML integration with Code::blocks
« on: April 01, 2011, 05:52:18 pm »
OK that worked nicely , but do i have to copy that .dll file to every executable i make with SFML?

General / SFML integration with Code::blocks
« on: April 01, 2011, 03:53:09 pm »
Guys please help me because I am either very dumb or super dumb.
I can't integrate SFML w/ Code::blocks. I download Code::blocks without the MinGW. Then i follow the link and download mingw-with-gcc-4.4.zip as recommended. Then i enter the sample code compile and it runs nicely. But when i go the the project folder and try to run the binary file as a standalone application i get this error: This application has failed to start because libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem.

How do i fix that  :!:

Pages: [1]