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Messages - shmup73

Pages: [1]
Graphics / sf::Sprite Rotation causes Crash
« on: May 06, 2011, 03:15:48 pm »
Thanks at all, Pointers a still pretty new to me since i switched over from C#, so i'm glad you gave my some tips :)

Graphics / sf::Sprite Rotation causes Crash
« on: May 05, 2011, 09:31:57 pm »
Omg, removing the "delete _file;" line fixed it^^

And yet another reason why i hate pointers :P
Still i would really like to know why deleting the pointer after it's passed to the load image file causes a crash
 when rotating i mean is there something like streaming pixel data from the file the image is loaded from when its rotated i.e. is the app trying
 to dereference the char* representing the image's path at runtime after it's deleted?

If anyone has a clue please let me know :)

Graphics / sf::Sprite Rotation causes Crash
« on: May 05, 2011, 09:25:47 pm »
Thanks for responding Laurent.

As I wrote as a comment in the last snippet
Cpt is a typedef for char* ;) so its just a pointer to a
bunch of chars that's freed after being passed to the
sf::Image.LoadFromFile function as the image file name.

I'll try to make the problem it a little bit clearer :)

While this code runs without any problems, that means no crash and
the image is displayed correctly:

Code: [Select]

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

int main()
    RenderWindow window(...);
    Image img = General::LoadIMG("myIMG.png");
    Sprite spr(img);
    //Main Loop

    return 0;

This one is going to crash although only the Rotate() call is added:

Code: [Select]

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

int main()
    RenderWindow window(...);
    Image img = General::LoadIMG("myIMG.png");
    Sprite spr(img);
    spr.Rotate(0.5f); //Rotate the sprite.
    //Main Loop

    return 0;

But since doing this replacement fixes the error
(i.e. it then does show up AND rotate):

     { Image img = General::LoadIMG("myIMG.png"); }
     { Image img; img.LoadFromFile("myIMG.png"); }

It means that this function

Code: [Select]

sf::Image General::LoadIMG(Cpt _file)
    sf::Image img;

        std::cout << lend;

    delete _file;
    return img;

needs to be causing a crash whenever i call a method associated with the sprite's rotation.
But the strange thing is that - as you can see in the first snippet of this post - i'm able to render the image loaded by my wrapped function,
 while rotating doesnt work? that would mean it does only partially load the image which sounds pretty unlikely...:/

So here's a complete (as minimal as possible :P) file.
I've moved the img loading function in there for maximal minimality^^

Code: [Select]

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>

#define lend std::endl

using namespace sf;

Image LoadIMG(char *_file)
    Image img;

        std::cout << lend;

    delete _file;
    return img;

int main()
    RenderWindow window(VideoMode(1280, 640, 32), "Caption goes here");
    Event event;

    Image img = LoadIMG("myIMG.png");
    Sprite spr(img);
    spr.Rotate(0.5f); //!Runs without this line and crashes with!

                case event.Closed:




    return 0;

This snippet does always crash on my system and if i remove the spr.Rotate(0.5f); line it does draw the sprite without complaints <.<
I really don't know why it does only crash when rotating it, i mean wouldn't i have to crash when loading / drawing the image if the loadIMG function is the problem which it is since rotation does work when i load the image using img.LoadFromFile() :/

Any ideas how to fix the LoadIMG function?
Otherwise i'll just have to stuck with the unwrapped (still awesome :)) img.LoadFromFile() function.

Anyways thanks alot i'm really appreciating the community and your library of course :)

Looking forward to any replies,
greetings shmup.

Graphics / sf::Sprite Rotation causes Crash
« on: May 05, 2011, 05:44:37 pm »
Ok so first of all, thanks for the fast reply :)

I've had another look at the code and surprisingly this didn't crash:

Code: [Select]

int main() {
Sprite spr;
return 0; }

Also drawing the sprite worked fine, so the problem seems to be caused by my General::LoadIMG( ) function, however i dunno why, since loading and drawing sprites created by this method works, but when it comes to rotating such a sprite it does crash :(

This means replacing

Code: [Select]

Image img = General::LoadIMG(file);
Sprite spr = Sprite(img);

// by

Image img;
Sprite spr = Sprite(img);

solves the problem however I don't know what's wrong about the img loading function...

Code: [Select]

//Cpt = typedef char*

sf::Image General::LoadIMG(Cpt _file)
    sf::Image img;

        std::cout << lend;

    delete _file;
    return img;

As I said only loading and drawing images getting created by this method works, but rotating them not??

Thanks for helping me to find the error, but still i'd like how to fix the LoadIMG function or more specifically why rotating images loaded by this function couldn't work while drawing them does.

Thanks in advance :)

Graphics / sf::Sprite Rotation causes Crash
« on: May 04, 2011, 09:12:06 pm »
Hey guys,

I'm having trouble with rotating my sprite, which does sound quite noobish^^, but i just can't figure out what's wrong ...

First i thought that something about my class hierarchy was wrong but actually even using the unwrapped format of sf::Sprite.Rotate(float fArg) or .SetRotation(float fArg) always cause my app to crash :/


Code: [Select]

//Function for loading an image from file.
sf::Image General::LoadIMG(Cpt _file)
    sf::Image img = sf::Image();

        std::cout << lend;

    delete _file;
    return img;

int main()
    RenderWindow window(
                "SFML 1.6 in Qt Creator",
                Style::Close, WindowSettings(24,8,0));

    Image img = General::LoadIMG("Arrow.png");
    Sprite spr = Sprite(img);

And then in the main loop (of course after clearing and before displaying the window) :

Code: [Select]


Loading and drawing works just fine, but whenever i add spr.Rotate( e.g. 0.5f ), or spr.SetRotation( 0.5f ) to any part of the code the program crashes at runtime.

Code: [Select]


= Crash :(

PS: I'm using SFML 1.6 cpp binding in Qt Creator.

Hopefully i'm just being blind, any suggestions would be much appreciated!

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