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Messages - Bobsinclare666

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Video frames display
« on: March 28, 2008, 02:35:18 pm »
Hmm.. Which files did you update?
IS it the Windows Development files?



Graphics / Video frames display
« on: March 28, 2008, 02:16:27 pm »
Gee that was fast!
OK I will try asap.
And to reply to your previous question, the below function seems to be the one taking so much time. OK, back to the tests.

Code: [Select]


Graphics / Video frames display
« on: March 26, 2008, 08:42:44 am »
Merci for the reply Laurent.

The idea is not necessarily to get a high frame rate but rather a low CPU usage at standard frame rates, say 30 fps.

I was not particularly impressed by the solution below, hence my question on whether I was doing things right. NOw that you are telling me that it is creating a new texture everytime, it makes more sense.

Displaying a 512x512 image at 30fps requires something like 40% of my CPU (I have a low profile dual core PC with no special videocard) which is far too much for my need.

Indeed if you could add a way to reuse the same texture, that would be nice. Maybe also adding a way to handle grey level images... I kind of remember that you can use the LUMINANCE type when calling the glTexSubImage2D() function in which case a pointer to a grey level array (ie. not rgba) is fine. I don't know if that is still current or makes sense in this context though.



Graphics / Video frames display
« on: March 25, 2008, 07:03:28 pm »

I am new in using SFML which I find quite interesting.
I was wondering if someone could confirm that my approach is correct:

I am trying to use SFML as a hardware accelerator to display 2D video frames in a GUI. I have a video camera which triggers a callback every time a new video frame (grey level, 8bpp) is available.

I created a view, an image and a sprite. In the callback, I call the following functions:

Code: [Select]

Image.LoadFromPixels(ImageWidth, ImageHeight, ImageDataPointer);

Is this the proper (ie. most efficient)way to do this?



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