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Messages - Cptn_Captain

Pages: [1]
General / SFML2 building linker error + wrong path - Archlinux
« on: May 21, 2011, 04:08:36 pm »
git-PKGBUILDs (and those of other VCS) always pull the latest Version.
The Version of the PKGBULD only means that the Packager was able to build the package at that date, when go to the src/SFML folder and do a git pull you will see that you are up to date,
If you wan't to update to the latest Version of SFML-git, go to src/SFML (not SFML-build) and do a git pull, rebuild and install the Package. (First delete what you manually installed to /usr/local)
EDIT: If you look at the PKGBUILD-Version: it gets updated automatically when you build the Package

BTW: FAT does not understand Unix-rights-stuff, thats why everything is set to 777.

General / SFML2 building linker error + wrong path - Archlinux
« on: May 15, 2011, 06:45:28 pm »
Are you using the sfml-git Package from the AUR?
If not; use it, because it is never a good idea to install something without the package manager.

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