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Messages - Impervious

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General / Where are the DLLs?
« on: June 01, 2011, 10:33:54 am »
Quote from: "blueeyedlion"
another thing, where am I supposed to put the dll's?

Well as it says in the first tutorial, I put the files from the lib folder (which happen to be DLLs among other things) into the visual studios VC/lib folder.

Also, I put them in the Projects debug folder.  This part took a lot of googling and I don't see it anywhere in the tutorial at all, but it seemed to work.  

Your projects are likely in "My Documents" under Visual Studios/Projects and then you click on the project you are working on, and put the DLLs in the Debug folder of that project.

To be honest I am having quite a lot of trouble getting a good start so maybe my advice is not the most helpful... but of course I hope it is as it can be quite a pain to find the information needed to get things working.  Good luck.  :?

Window / Window not opening
« on: June 01, 2011, 10:25:41 am »
Quote from: "Laurent"
Recompiling SFML is explained at the end of the tutorial for Visual C++.

The forum is also full of useful information, especially someone posted video tutorials. And maybe even precompiled libraries.

Thanks for the response.

I had already moved on to the next tutorial as I did not have any problems by the time I had completed the first one, so I wasn't even looking at the correct tutorial at that point.  Also I searched quite a bit for recompiling, but I never came across that section as it isn't titled recompiling and nowhere does it have that word"recompile" or "recompiling" in it.  The point I am getting across is that while I tried searching ahead of time, I couldn't quite help myself because I wasn't too sure what I was looking for... I don't want to come across someone who is coming here to ask questions as soon as I have a basic one, but at the same time I have been stuck on what I know is very basic stuff without being able to figure it out and it is very frustrating for me. :(

(Hopefully I am not coming across as rude.  If I am in any way, I apologize and don't intend to be)

The problem I am having now is that there is no build folder in my SFML 1.6 folder which I downloaded from this site.  I have downloaded it a few times on different occasions to be sure, but still there is no build folder (I only have extlibs, include and lib).  I really just don't know what to do about this problem.  I've searched this site, I've googled... but I just don't know...

Also looking one step ahead if I can get past all this, you say to open SFML.sln (I assume you mean in Visual Studios) and then choose the configuration... how exactly do I choose?  Also, would choosing all of them be a good idea?  It may be obvious once I get there, but right now looking at the instructions it doesn't seem to explain it.  Maybe I will just worry about that when I get there though.

Thanks again for the help.

General / Where are the DLLs?
« on: May 29, 2011, 08:15:23 am »
Quote from: "blueeyedlion"
Rather than create a new thread for the same situation, I'll just hijack this one.

I have the same problem as the op except I don't know which dll's to include in the extlibs folder.  Could someone point out which?

I haven't personally included any from the extlibs but, the tutorial only mentions two for audio (libsndfile.dll and openal32.dll) and nothing else, so perhaps simply including those would cover all the bases as I don't see any other DLLs.  I have no clue what all the other stuff is though.   :?  You may be best off waiting for some confirmation.

Also if it at all possible, could someone quickly tell me if all the other stuff in the extlibs folder is needed, or if it is explained later?  I'm not sure if its the best method, but I would preferably like to set everything up, and then focus on coding.

Window / Window not opening
« on: May 29, 2011, 12:04:54 am »
Sorry to have to ask a newbie question, but I have been trying to solve this problem by using google several times but I am finding many solutions that aren't working... possibly because I am not entirely sure what I am looking for, but I believe the problem mentioned here is the one I am having, however... I dont' know how to recompile the libraries.  After trying to google that as well, I haven't had too much luck.  

Is it at all possible that someone could give me a quick explanation of what I need to do to recompile?  Do I need to delete files and then simply compile my program?  If so, which ones... and would I have to compile a specific program?  (The point I am getting at here is that I will probably need some basic instructions... :( )

Also, once I recompile, do I have to do this for ever project I do, or just doing it once will solve it for good?


(BTW I am using VC++ 2010 on Vista 64 bit if it matters)

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