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Messages - Ragnarok700

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Compiling SFML 2 with Visual Studio 2010
« on: June 09, 2011, 08:26:30 pm »
Hmm, that raises an interesting question then.

When I compile SFML 2, how do I force it to give me the right DLLs then ? :P

I haven't seen any info on the forums/tutorials/googling at all about this.
Any ideas would be great... I'll keep searching on my end and post any results I get...

General discussions / Compiling SFML 2 with Visual Studio 2010
« on: June 09, 2011, 05:27:15 pm »
Hey Groogy!

Yeah, I just didn't "see it" :P

Actually, I do have another issue with this.

At first, I built the .NET libraries using the batch file, which yielded x64 assemblies (running Windows XP Pro x64).

So, I included those in my references and added a the 5 SFML dlls as "Copy if newer" so that they would be found in the debug/release folders easily by the .exe.

Then, as I tried to run the project, it said it couldn't find the dlls. I noticed there was an extra "c" at the beginning of the name in the error message, so I renamed the dlls and it worked!

But now I recompiled the .NET assemblies into x86 and whatever I name the dlls it always complains that it cannot find them, even though they are still there. Any specific direction I should be searching towards to fix this ?


General discussions / SOLVED
« on: June 09, 2011, 04:59:46 pm »
Ah... nevermind where the bindings are... they are in the "bindings" folder, obviously....

I guess it's time for me to go get a coffee and some food... :S

Somehow I managed to miss that folder...!

General discussions / Compiling SFML 2 with Visual Studio 2010
« on: June 09, 2011, 04:00:00 pm »

I'm rather new to SFML and was very enthusiastic to start using it...

And then I tried to compile the source and it kinda didn't work. As said in the title, I'm using VS 2010 (ultimate).

Using CMake to configure for the VS2010 solution worked fine.

    I tried compiling individual parts of the solution to isolate the issues, and I can build all of them but "sfml-graphics" and the "ALL_BUILD" parts.

    The errors I get are usually returned from these external tools:
    CL.exe, cmd.exe, mt.exe, etc.

Any ideas on where to go from there ? The errors are very generic and not pointing in any direction (that I can see).

*EDIT: "Fixed" the issue. Forcing a rebuild repetitively eventually works.... for some reason, errors will be returned once in a while from the various projects, but they all eventually compile if you keep trying. I'm still confused as to why... if anybody knows :)

*EDIT #2: Actually, I might still have a relevant question. After rebuilding until it works, I'm left with the 5 dlls for the various parts of the library. That is all good and fine, but how do I obtain (compile ?) the .NET binding libraries ?

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