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Messages - Waterlimon

Pages: [1]
Graphics / game engine question 2
« on: July 05, 2011, 05:52:13 pm »
I think you should only keep the tiles of the current map in memory, and when u go to another map, load the new maps data from a file and save any changes that were made to the other map to the other maps file.

General / Time based grid movement
« on: July 05, 2011, 05:33:39 pm »
Do something liek this:

Have something to keep track of the current location in the path string.

Then, move the AI to the next location, and have some timer thing. each frame check the timer thing to see if some time is passed, and if it is, move the AI to the next location and so on. Currently youre just moving it thru all the positions in the single frame or something >_>

General / Destroyable environment without tiles. [DISCUSSION]
« on: July 05, 2011, 05:27:26 pm »
Do the break-into-many-parts, but instead break the cube in 8 sub cubes, and check wich ones will be affected and break those down too until you have the desired level of accuracy, and then remove some minicubes.

That would work, you could build the terrain using huge cubes underground and over ground you could break them down to make it smooth. Also you should not render them as cubes, but do something to cut the edges on sides/corners with no adjacent cubes.

Or, you could make the terrain using really-low-quality spheres but that might be ugly and/or lag.

General / Cant get 2.0 working [solved :3] :P
« on: June 21, 2011, 09:26:15 pm »
Maybe it got messed up when i first built propably the wrong project, ill try again tomorrow... :|

General / Cant get 2.0 working [solved :3] :P
« on: June 21, 2011, 07:58:01 pm »
I managed to get CMake make me a solution thing. I made it debug (not release) and the 2 checkboxes were at the dynamic options. (didnt touch them)

Im using VC++ 08 express edition. How would i get the headers required in my solution? I havent used visual studio much at all... It was really easy the way 1.6 did it but now there wasnt any instructions >.<

I tried opening the sfml solution and building the build all thing. also tried the install thing and a few others (and propably somehow generated 1 TB of random files while doing so -.-) and trying to get my solution work with the files the same way as it was done with 1.6 I think the lib folder is ok but theres no include folder D:

I have no idea what im doing really :P    maybe i should stick with 1.6 at least for a while...


EDIT: Am i supposed to put the projects in the SFML solution to my own solution? o.e  At least i have the headers there, i just need to know what is the right way to get them accessible from my own solution... Copypasting sounds kind of ugly...

It seems that i was thinking that the include and lib directories woudld be put to the second adress on the cmake-gui. Realized it when looking at the configuration settings... :P

I still have a question though: You said that cmake updates the stuff automatically when i update the files (something like that). What exactly does that mean? Or did it just mean that i dont have to configure anymore, but i still have to open cmake and press the generate button? Or is it about how i had to run the vcvars bat file and open cmake through the command prompt? :|    It doesnt really matter though, thats why i dont go and read the tutorial again... xD

Window / OpenGL not rendering
« on: June 21, 2011, 01:25:52 pm »
Umm... Try making the camera spin to see if the box appears anywhere in the scene? ._.

Feature requests / ...
« on: June 21, 2011, 03:22:48 am »
Hmm, couldnt you make that fancy loop go up until it finds a not supported version?


*increment major version until not supported*
*take last supported major version*
*increment minor version until not supported*
*use last working minor version with the major version*

Pages: [1]