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Messages - howderek

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Sorry, it was my fault.
« on: August 11, 2011, 02:47:45 pm »
You didn't change too much, my function was bad. I have made a revised function that I have tesed in my actual game, so I know for a fact it works. It actually handles moving in the function. Here is the fuction:
Code: [Select]

//usage: smartMove(sprite you are controlling, move x, move y, window width, window height);
//example: smartMove(Player,1,0,400,250)
//tip: subtract the sprite height and sprite width from the window height and window width

bool smartMove(sf::Drawable &obj,int moveX,int moveY,int windowWidth,int windowHeight) {
sf::Vector2f pos = obj.GetPosition();
sf::Vector2f scl = obj.GetScale();
//position from sprites base point
int posX = pos.x;
int posY = pos.y;

if (moveX > 0 || moveY > 0) {
if (posX + moveX >= windowWidth|| posY + moveY >= windowHeight) {
//Good luck moving there, YOU REBEL!!
return false;
if (moveX < 0 || moveY < 0) {
if (posX - moveX <= 0 || posY - moveY <= 0) {
//You want to move your sprite there? NO!!!
return false;
if (moveX == 0 && moveY == 0)
return false;
//if you want to handle moving in the function

//go ahead, Mr.Sprite
return true;

You shouldn't have to change any code because it uses sf::Drawable which applies to all moveable objects. I would change your code to:
Code: [Select]

         if (LeftKeyDown)
         if (RightKeyDown)
            smartMove(KeyMove, 0,800,600);  
         if (UpKeyDown)
            smartMove(0, -KeyMove,800,600);
         if (DownKeyDown)
            smartMove((0, KeyMove,800,600);  
         if (GKeyDown)
         if (HKeyDown)

All you have to do is change 800 to 800 minus your sprites/shapes width and 600 to 600 minus your sprites/shapes height. Enjoy!

Graphics / I would do it differently
« on: August 05, 2011, 10:22:23 pm »
I would do that by checking each movement to the edge. I would create a function called locationAllowed like below:
Code: [Select]

bool locationAllowed(sf::Shape &shape) {
sf::Vector2f temp = shape.GetPosition();
int x = temp.x + 1;
int y = temp.y + 1;
if (x > 800 || x < 0) {
   return false;
if (y > 600 || y < 0) {
   return false;
return true;

That code is tested and functional. Then I would rewrite your if statements:
Code: [Select]

         if (LeftKeyDown  && locationAllowed(Blob))
            Blob.Move(-KeyMove, 0);
         if (RightKeyDown && locationAllowed(Blob))
            Blob.Move(KeyMove, 0);
         if (UpKeyDown  && locationAllowed(Blob))
            Blob.Move(0, -KeyMove);
         if (DownKeyDown  && locationAllowed(Blob))
            Blob.Move(0, KeyMove);
         if (GKeyDown  && locationAllowed(Blob))
         if (HKeyDown  && locationAllowed(Blob))

I hope this helps you!

Pages: [1]