There is no half consistency. Like you said, there will be for example no consistency in the naming of classes.
And you only rarely use the standard library? std::vector? std::string? iostreams? std::unique_ptr? std::shared_ptr? And what about boost? What are you using instead?
Though arguing from good intentions, I would claim you are mistaken. Looking at computer languages the
language itself often has a radically different "style" than user-defined symbols and code. I've actually said this here already:
Yes, the trend in the industry over the last decade has been a move to lower-case comelCase for methods (Class::myMethod()), upper-case CamelCase for free functions (MyFunction()), all-lowercase without underscores for namespaces, and abbreviations treated as normal words (RenderRttStuff(), Class::rtsAndRttAreAcronyms()).
This is actually tremendously positive for code readability.
The boost and STL code conventions are only used there, but that too can be argued to serve the purpose of showing what is "language" and what is userland calls.
C++ is a language which per design has as much of the language as possible moved to the standard library rather than be integral to the compiler. However, the standard library is part of the same Standard that defines the rest of the C++ language and is
not userland code.
So the STL and also Boost are both "language" (yes, even Boost, though it is an external library, is considered the unofficial extension of STL and part of the language) rather than userland (client-side) code. As such it is natural that Boost will stick close to the "language's style". Further, the STL and Boost objects are suggesting the form and usage of integral types--see int and string--which is indicated by the lower-case names and that they are considered final, unlike client objects, which are Upper-cased and usually extendible.
It is normal that unique styles and conventions evolve around the language symbols, and claiming that userland code must or should stay as close to the "language style" as possible is unacceptably restrictive and potentially damaging. It can be argued that userland code in fact should strive to be distinctive compared to integral types and symbols (C, C++, STL and Boost types). As for styles, we have we have a plenitude of those, the most pedagogical and ergonomic being camelCase.
In sum: It is a move for consistency, pedagogics and ergonomics to move SFML to camelCase. Using camelCase is not being inconsistent with the language itself.