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Messages - wiley.a

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Image::SaveToFile with .psd
« on: August 31, 2011, 09:20:56 am »
Ah okay, thank you for your help. May I suggest making that clear on the features page. You mention supported image types, maybe just split this into two lines with .psd taken off of the saving one.

I have just written a little application that takes an image, modifies it and then saves the modified image as a new file. I was only trying to support .psd files because I thought "why not?" seen as they were listed as a supported image format.

Graphics / Image::SaveToFile with .psd
« on: August 31, 2011, 12:51:05 am »

I am currently trying to load a .psd file, modify it and then save it as a new file. I have it working with all of the other supported file types but for some reason I can only load .psd files. I know they are loading because I have them rendering to the window, but when I try and save it using SaveToFile, it fails. I have no idea why, its not my code as the other supported image formats work.

I'm using SFML 1.6 with the libraries recompiled for VS2010.

Thanks in advance  :)

Pages: [1]