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Messages - MTMBStudios

Pages: [1]
General / [SOLVED] SFML using 100% CPU (with limits on)
« on: September 13, 2011, 09:48:28 pm »
Wow I am an idiot. Instead of doing all that debugging I should have just reread the tutorial again. Alright this appears to be solved.

General / [SOLVED] SFML using 100% CPU (with limits on)
« on: September 13, 2011, 09:29:11 pm »
I have been trying to solve this problem since yesterday. I have chopped down my code down to nothing but the beginning exercise and the limit (I am using SFML 2)

Code: [Select]
sf::Event currentEvent;
if(currentEvent.Type == currentEvent.Closed)



but it still maxes out my CPU. I used FRAPS to check the framerate and it is not even hitting 60 frames per second. I have tried SFML 1.6, SFML 2 and the static and dynamic libraries and nothing has changed. Nothing changes between release or debug either. I have an ATI 4800 series card. This library seems great (especially in trying to port an XNA game) but I just cannot seem to get it working on my end.

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