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Messages - Nemykal

Pages: [1]
Graphics / [solved] Embedding fonts like arial.hpp
« on: October 04, 2011, 11:48:33 am »
By int I just meant a standard int32_t

Graphics / [solved] Embedding fonts like arial.hpp
« on: October 04, 2011, 11:07:04 am »
Been playing around with what you posted, which doesn't work by the way.

I compared the output with arial.hpp and I'm just not sure what data Font::LoadFromMemory expects. Is it expecting an array of ints, as your solution indicates, or is it expecting an array of bytes, which is what arial.hpp has? I tried a few utilities to convert files to .c source, such as Hex Workshop from http://www.bpsoft.com.

I declare the array of fontdata in a header as such:

const char terminus_data[] =
   #include "terminus.h"

and terminus.h contains only the array of data, just like arial.hpp.

Compiles without issues, and LoadFromMemory returns without errors, but nothing is displayed on screen.

The only thing I changed in my initialization code was commenting out the LoadFromFile and replacing it with the LoadFromMemory, and it was working fine with LoadFromFile, so I think the problem is the format of the terminus.h

Any help is appreciated


Nevermind, fixed it. I had inadvertently commented out these two lines in my drawing thread (before and after drawing the text) since I thought they weren't necessary anymore:
//draw stuff

With those lines uncommented, it displays fine.

So for future reference for anyone else, I used that program I linked above in order to convert a .ttf to a c source.

Graphics / [solved] Embedding fonts like arial.hpp
« on: October 04, 2011, 08:35:04 am »
I can find a lot of information for doing this with images, but nothing with regards to .ttf files. Is there any recommended utility for encoding them?

Graphics / [solved] Embedding fonts like arial.hpp
« on: October 04, 2011, 06:31:10 am »
What is the process for encoding a ttf font so that I can embed that data into a header file, just like arial.hpp, the default font?

Window / SetFramerateLimit() not working precisely
« on: September 24, 2011, 12:40:54 pm »
Is there some way to modify sf::Sleep to be more precise? I would think that stuff like QueryPerformanceCounter() should at least give enough precision. 1 / 60 isn't that precise...

Window / SetFramerateLimit() not working precisely
« on: September 24, 2011, 12:07:08 pm »
Hi, I want to limit my program to 60fps, but when I call
Code: [Select]
window->SetFramerateLimit(60); it results in an FPS that fluctuates between 62.5 and 67 FPS.

I made a sample test program to demonstrate this:

Code: [Select]
#include <stdint.h>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/System.hpp>

sf::Text* fpstext;
sf::Font* pixelfont;
sf::RenderWindow* window;
sf::Event event;

double gameFPS = 0.0f;
bool PROGRAM_EXIT = false;

void handleEvents()
while (window->PollEvent(event))
// Close window : exit
if (event.Type == sf::Event::Closed)

void init()
window = new sf::RenderWindow(sf::VideoMode(1024, 768), "FPS Test", sf::Style::Default | sf::Style::Resize, sf::ContextSettings(32, 8, 0));

sf::Event event = sf::Event();
pixelfont = new sf::Font();
fpstext = new sf::Text("Fps!");
fpstext->SetPosition(0, 0);

void drawFPS()
static sf::String fps;
static char buf[128];
memset(buf, 0, 128);
sprintf(buf, "FPS: %8.4f", gameFPS);
fps = buf;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
gameFPS = 1.f / window->GetFrameTime() * 1000;

return 0;

For what it's worth, I am using the latest git of SFML 2.0, compiled for VS2010 64 bit. I am also using SFML_STATIC and linking with the static libs.

Any help or advice is appreciated, I just want to know why I can't get a flat 60fps.

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