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Messages - RoberTwoD

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Using SFML in a resizable QT-Widget
« on: September 26, 2011, 03:35:04 pm »
Or in other words. How can I use SFML in a QWidget with dynamic size...

Graphics / Using SFML in a resizable QT-Widget
« on: September 25, 2011, 05:54:39 pm »

I'm new to SFML and QT, so I tryed out the SFML Tutorial "Integration of SFML in QT Interface" with X11 (on Ubuntu/Linux).
This actually worked well for a static QSFMLCanvas, which size doesnt change.
But when I resize the "QSFMLCanvas", the underlying sf::RenderWindow does not do the same.
It keeps its old values for width and height.
I did not change the code of the example, please help me... :)

Pages: [1]