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Messages - DomtronVox

Pages: [1]
Python / pysfml2-cython
« on: October 18, 2011, 03:59:14 am »
Thanks for the quick response.

I have some experience with pygame but I'm not sure of the speed. I have read it's not fast enough to handle projections very well (and it doesn't have native 3d rendering). I have never looked at pyglet. I'll do some research into it.

Thanks for the information!

Python / pysfml2-cython
« on: October 16, 2011, 08:56:27 pm »
First I'd like to thank you  for creating PYSFML and giving me more display library options :P.

Second, I have some questions and wanted to point out something that I and maybe other people have a problem with.  

Does PYSFML have native functions for render 3d or would I need to create a projection class/algorithm(I have no clue how 3D works in SFML). I'm looking for a well maintained display library for both 2d and 3d rendering and works with python. I looked at pyopengl but saw a number of complaints that it wasn't maintained.

I built SFML and PYSFML yesterday and ran into an odd problem. SMFL "sudo make install" (a little bump was forgetting the sudo and not reading the big error msg >.<) installed the SFML .so's in the wrong directory. I'm on Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and for some reason "make install" placed the .so's in /usr/local/lib instead of /usr/lib. When I ran the PYSMFL examples sf.so couldn't find the needed libraries. So I had to manually copy all the SFML .so's over to the correct directory. Would this just be a problem with my computer?
Anyway I hope this helps someone in the same predicament.


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