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Messages - ranger_x3

Pages: [1]
General / SFML 2.0 and OpenGL 3.2 Rendering
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:34:48 am »
I wrote a program using SFML 1.6, but got to the point that I needed geometry shaders to take it more in the direction I wanted, thus making me need to switch over to SFML 2.0.

So far everything compiles, I get my 3.2 context, my shaders load properly. My VBO's are generated correctly. I wrote my own matrix stack class and use that instead of the deprecated OpenGL matrix stack. The problem is that nothing displays, despite a query to GL_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED saying that all but 2 of my triangles were passed through(rendering a sphere).

Ideas that didn't fix it:
 - Hard coding the Modelview * Projection matrix in the vertex shader
 - Displaying a single triangle instead of the sphere

All that's supposed to happen is the sphere should show up on screen in red. I just feel like something isn't getting passed between the vertex and the fragment shader, but in all honestly I have no clue what's going wrong.

Windows 7 x64, GTX 580
VC++ 2008, Dynamic Linked

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