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Messages - gotwood

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Getting started with SFML and VC++ 2010
« on: January 06, 2012, 01:12:28 am »
Hello, I am new to these forums and I tried doing a search on the topic but couldn't really find anything useful.

I am taking c++ this semester and my teacher told me to try and familiarize myself with SFML. So I downloaded everything and was trying to follow the Getting Started Tutorial here


But the first steps do not work at all. You can't just copy the files in to those folders in VC++ 2010 (because the folders don't exist) and if you try and follow the steps to leave the SFML files where you want, and setup Visual Studio so that it can find them that does not work either. (it tells me VC++ Directories has been deprecated, and you can't click the ? for more information)

So if someone can elaborate on how to properly set this up for VC++ 2010 or provide me a link that explains how to set this up that would be great.

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