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Messages - peacemaker

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Animating a sprite between 2 points
« on: January 10, 2012, 05:33:02 pm »
Hey texus,

Thanks for that - it was along the lines I was thinking but I have had a look around online and read about various 2d vector translations, working out the angle between the two points and so on and assumed there was a "better" solution.

However, if simply updating the sprites x and y in the manner you suggested works then I don't see why I'd need to worry about the other stuff :)

Graphics / Animating a sprite between 2 points
« on: January 10, 2012, 05:03:18 pm »
Hey guys,

I understand the basics of it, you step the sprite by offset*elapsed frame time per frame in the update loop until it reaches the destination.

But I think I'm missing some (I admit elementary) math when it comes to something like moving the sprite diagonally for example, imagine a wizard casts a spell at a monster.  The wizard is at (X:100,Y:100) and the monster is at (X:500, Y:10).

My current code in this example would increase X and decrease Y for each step but what happens is Y gets to the destination before X so you have a very strange looking effect where the spell travels diagonally until it is at the correct height then it goes horizontally until it reaches the destination.

So what am I missing?  I feel like that is some simple math which can calculate the steps better :)

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