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Messages - Gazonga

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Changing center of rotation
« on: January 28, 2012, 09:59:23 pm »
You wouldn't mind posting how you solved it?
I'm having similar problems ;/

Graphics / [SOLVED] C++, sf::shape.move doesnt change polygon position
« on: January 15, 2012, 01:03:11 pm »
Thanks! I'll try to mark this as solved if that is possible!

Graphics / [SOLVED] C++, sf::shape.move doesnt change polygon position
« on: January 15, 2012, 02:07:28 am »
Hi forum

I have a problem concerning the sf::Shape.move(x,y) function, it doesn't seem to change the positions of the various points in a polygon but only "the viewmode". It might be supposed to do only that, but when I use the sf::Shape.getPointPosition(0).x after have updated its position with sf::Shape.move(x,y) (every polygon does at least have the 0 element, and therefore the x, so I use that as a test) it doesn't return a different value, but always the values I initialized when i used sf::Shape.AddPoint(x,y...), even though I can see that the polygon has moved on the screen.

I want the sf::Shape.getPointPosition(i) to return the new position after the sf::shape.move have been executed, because Iam using it for collision detection.

Is there maybe some other workaround to this problem, or is there something essential I completely missed?

All help is very appreciated, thanks!

Pages: [1]