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Messages - Davi

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Displaying a number with sf::string
« on: April 10, 2012, 08:22:07 pm »
I will try yours solution, @texus.

Or you can search Google ("C++ convert float to string") to find the right solution ;)

I tried that, but std::to_string() and other string conversion functions simply seems to not be available at my compiler at all, or were too complicated, like, multiple lines of code just for a conversion?

General / Displaying a number with sf::string
« on: April 10, 2012, 07:57:08 pm »
Hey all. I am using the MinGW which comes with Code::Blocks, SFML 1.6.

I will be straight on my question. How do I display a number? I've tried this:

Code: [Select]
To later display that string, but SetText() can't take float as argument. So, how could I set my string as number for later use? Is there any conversion possible?

SFML projects / Re: Super Mario World SFML Remake (mini version)
« on: April 03, 2012, 07:29:59 pm »
If I looked with normal eyes, I wouldn't say the project is good - But if you look with developer eyes, you know how hard it is to make something close to yours project.  ::) And if you are a beginner, it's even harder and involves more effort.

So, I will give some suggestions, and probably most of what I cite requires just one or two tweaks in the code. And please don't take me bad, if you consider my suggestions your project will get better.

The general problem about the project is that it's not loyal to the original mario. If that's not really what you intended, sorry. [Yes, I read the title and the part which says "remix". ]

First of all, at the menu screen, the font- It has a black background, and the letters are too spaced from each other, and that spacing is white. Why? Since you are also using .tff fonts, this doesn't make much sense.

Then, the fonts, again - You are mixing them and this doesn't look very good. Your "fonts" folder has 16 files - wow. Most projects use two fonts at all, that is, when they don't use a single one! Even if they are a really big project. Of course there's specific exceptions, though. Just like the sprites, fonts helps with the mood of the game - If you used Comic Sans MS and then a pixelated font(something like Courier), you know how it would end up.

The sprites - Looks like you mixed sources, that's what I can guess. The tiles are of good quality, but most enemy sprites and related misc are blurred. I also noticed that the images folder there's mixed image types, a small suggestion is that you use only .png for the sake of file size.

The movement - Mario is always running, why? There should be a specific key to enable that, if there's any running at all(which I suggest having). Also, sometimes jumping on enemies will rocket you up. I don't have any suggestions on how to fix this. You can also walk on air. While it's perfectly fine for a video game have air movement, the sprite here is of the walking mario. I suggest a falling mario sprite.

The items - There are a bit too much red mushrooms. There's also no item box.

That's it, I hope I have helped. Good luck!

Graphics / Taking a sprite from a image based on a rect
« on: March 17, 2012, 04:41:17 pm »
Thanks! I get the general idea. Now I will try and see if it works!  :wink:

Graphics / Is there a way to not have to include image files?
« on: March 17, 2012, 03:52:45 pm »
What I do in my projects is put ALL the files of the program in a folder at %appdata%, including the exe. Then, I make a shortcut to the .exe wherever I want. In yours case, it would be the desktop, if I didn't misread.

If you are going to distribute the program, I would suggest a NSIS installer to make the shortcut/folder, or you could make yours own code, which is a bit more headaches. Both would work well.

Putting files inside a .exe is very complicated, heavy, and the other things that have been cited above. I think it's a bad idea, and I have searched for that before on google with no sucess. Generally, nobody includes files in a .exe.

If you want to proceed though, you will need some 1337 skillz. Good luck on yours problem.

Graphics / Taking a sprite from a image based on a rect
« on: March 17, 2012, 03:44:10 pm »
Hey all! I'm new here, both on the forums and on the library. I came from SDL, and I think SFML does the job better, specially because I'm not the guy which cares about compatibility. Plus my projects would be too heavy to work on an Android or iOS.

Well, I will jump on right on my question.

I would like to know if there's an feature that selects just an part of a image file to be my sprite. Just like the second argument of the SDL's "SDL_LoadBMP()" function.

If there's no function like this, I'm pretty sure I could do it manually acessing the pixels of the sprite and etc. But I'm too much of a beginner to do that right now. If anyone could give me an function or explain with details how I could do that, I would appreciate.

If this is not possible yet, and has not been requested, I would like that this go to the "Feature Request" forums.

Thanks, and sorry if it's possible and already explained. I just didn't find it.

Oh, by the way, SFML 1.6 please. I would like to stick to it, but if you have any motives that I should move to SFML 2, I'm open to ideas.  :roll:

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