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Messages - drifton

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Better FPS drawing 10.000 sprite
« on: March 29, 2012, 01:41:32 pm »
two things that will greatly improve tiles on today's hardware,  vba/vbo and texture atlas/ ie compiling all your sprites and tiles into one texture/image,

steps process map to determine number of quads needed for background, fringes , transitions, buildings, ect...

apply uv that reference the tile image in the atlas/tilesheet what ever you really want to call it

draw base tile/fringe vbos
draw objects (characters, chests, npc's , enemies)  vbo
draw cover tile vbo

even with alpha blendening you are looking at very few triangles being drawn for today'a hardware
point in case 1920x1080 screen filled with 16x16 tiles with 4 layers = 32,400 tiles per frame or ~ 3.89 million triangles per-second and even the old geforce 2 could draw ~25 million triangles per second

and that really is all brute force with out you dropping the tiles in the 3 top layers that are not drawn out of the vertex buffer and in most cases are just empty space in my game and i actually have several smaller buffer so that it's easier on me to just update tiles like water animation every few frames / characters

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