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Messages - radario

Pages: [1]
Network / Re: Undesired behaviour in Linux networking code
« on: June 17, 2012, 10:37:15 am »

I'll temporarily switch to another network library, for this run:)
By the way, I tried the code on windows and it runs correctly and consistently, so I'll debug the issue on Linux as soon as possible:)


Network / Re: Undesired behaviour in Linux networking code
« on: June 14, 2012, 11:40:51 pm »

I have to add that there's something strange about the Network library. I have an SFML application in which I open a server on a port, and on the first run the TcpListener binds succesfully. But then, on the next run, regardless of how the application closed (gracefully, errors and so on), the TcpListener fails to bind the port. This behaviour persists for a certain amount of time (sometimes - rarely - it just doesn't happen) and then in the end the TcpListener binds again the port.
Out of curiosity I downloaded and compiled the Poco library (http://pocoproject.org), which provides a network library, and I can bind succesfully at every run with no problems.
Am i missing something, or the Network library needs some debugging? I'm running Archlinux x86_64, if it helps.


Network / Undesired behaviour in Linux networking code
« on: June 13, 2012, 11:41:26 pm »

I have a tcp server listening on a thread, wating for connections from clients. When the program is closed, I close the server's socket, but the server keeps accept-ing.

Here's some test code:

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "ServerThreadTest.h"
#include "VBClient.h"
#include <SFML/Network.hpp>
#include <SFML/System.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

namespace ThreadTest {

    class Server {

        Server(int port) : _port(port), _running(false), _socket(new sf::TcpListener()) {
            std::cout << "Server blocking: " << _socket->isBlocking() << std::endl;
            sf::TcpSocket::Status status = _socket->listen(port);

            if (status != sf::TcpSocket::Done) {
                _running = false;
            } else {
                _running = true;

        ~Server() {

            if (_socket) {
            _socket = NULL;

        void run() {
            while (_running) {
                sf::TcpSocket socket;

                std::cout << "Server: waiting for a connection ..." << std::endl;

                sf::TcpSocket::Status status = _socket->accept(socket);

                if (status == sf::TcpSocket::Done) {
                    std::cout << "Server: client incoming" << std::endl;
                    //                    sockets.push_back(socket);


                } else {
                    switch (status) {
                        case sf::TcpSocket::Disconnected:
                            std::cout << "DISCONNECTED" << std::endl;
                        case sf::TcpSocket::Error:
                            std::cout << "ERROR" << std::endl;
                        case sf::TcpSocket::NotReady:
                            std::cout << "NOT READY" << std::endl;

                    _running = false;

            std::cout << "Server: I leave" << std::endl;


        void running(bool b) {
            _running = b;

        bool running() {
            return _running;

        void close() {

            // Useless
            _running = false;

            if (_socket) {

        int _port;
        bool _running;
        sf::TcpListener *_socket;


int ServerThreadTest() {

    const int porta = 8080;

    ThreadTest::Server server(porta);

    sf::Thread thread(&ThreadTest::Server::run, &server);


    sf::IpAddress address("localhost");
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

        std::cout << "Connection try #" << i << std::endl;

        sf::TcpSocket socket;

        if (socket.connect(address, porta, sf::seconds(1)) != sf::TcpSocket::Done) {
            std::cout << "Connection error" << std::endl;



    std::cout << "I'd leave, if you don't mind..." << std::endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

This behaviour is related to what is described in this StackOverflow post:


I'm willing to send a signal to that thread, but it seems it's not possible to get the thread handle with the current API.

terminate() the thread is not an option, since it leaves the file descriptor opened.

Having a non-blocking socket with small sleeps between accept()s is quite ugly, too.

Another workaround is to put _running to false, then starting another connection to the server, so that the socket will close in its thread.

Is there a way to manage this situation cleanly?

Thanks in advance:)


Network / Re: Packet reception - interoperability with Java (?)
« on: May 11, 2012, 09:17:55 pm »
Ok don't worry I'll take care of this:)


Network / Re: Packet reception - interoperability with Java (?)
« on: May 10, 2012, 01:37:31 pm »

it is entirely possible to build your own Packet protocol on top of that (but you have to code both the Java and C++ side).

Yes, actually I'm trying to avoid writing the C++ side since it's already there:)


Network / Re: Packet reception - interoperability with Java (?)
« on: May 10, 2012, 01:36:02 pm »

thanks for the answers:)

First, you can't mix packets and something else.

Actually I'm not trying to mix packets and something else. What I did was trying to reverse-engineer the packet format in order to being able to use the "packet >> string" form, that I find convenient. I'm using sf::Packet to send data to Java (and it works) and I just wanted to do the opposite (and it doesn't work).

They have their own internal format (the Uint32 size is encoded at the beginning of the packet), and you shouldn't even try to rely on this because it might change in the future -- it's an implementation detail.

Ok. So I can assume that sf::Packet are meant only for SFML-SFML communication, right?

Second, if you receive data bytes one by one when you send with Java and not SFML, then it's probably caused by Java.

Sure, Java seems to send one byte at a time. But the bytes are indeed there. I'm wondering if there's an assumption about the count of received bytes somewhere in SFML code.

thanks for answering:)


Network / Packet reception - interoperability with Java (?)
« on: May 09, 2012, 11:47:48 pm »
Hi, I'm new here, hello to everybody:)

I'm trying to send strings from Java to an SFML application, via TCP, and I want to use the packet abstraction, which I found nice.

Java-wise, the code is this:

String message = "something";
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
int length = message.getBytes().length + 4;

In SFML, the following code doesn't work:

sf::Packet packet;
std::cout << "Packet size: " << packet.getDataSize() << std::endl;
std::string stringa;
packet >> stringa;        
std::cout << stringa << std::endl;

The problem is that packet.getDataSize() returns 0, and subsequently nothing is received.
In order to debug this, I tried to call directly socket.receive, and I discovered that it receives 1 byte at a time, even if I specify 4 of them (to receive the first int with the size of the packet);

So, to properly receive the packet I wrote this:

char *dataSize = new char[4];

std::size_t received = 0;
std::size_t receivedSoFar = 0;

do {
   socket.receive((void *) (dataSize + receivedSoFar), 1, received);
   receivedSoFar += received;            
} while (receivedSoFar < 4);

then I convert the 4 char to a number, I allocate a proper buffer, and then I happily receive, with the same mechanism, the rest of the string.
I also noticed that socket.receive, when called on a connection coming from a C++ SFML application, does indeed receives 4 bytes at a time. Maybe it's related to the fact that when receiving a packet sent from Java, only the first byte is read, then it's treated as a whole int and as such its value is zero.

I'm running SFML RC1 as packaged in ArchLinux.


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