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Messages - Kalantir

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Some help with RenderTexture
« on: March 04, 2014, 06:17:57 pm »
Thank you for the fast responses. I think I may have figured out a way to do this with ImageMagick. If that doesn't work out I'll try Thor next. The main reason I'm saving Thor as a last resort is because I don't want to have to distribute extra libraries with my application and Thor is not generally found in the official software repositories of most (if any) Linux distributions (if it were, all I'd have to do would be to name it as a dependency and then the package manager would download it automatically for the end user)

Graphics / Re: Some help with RenderTexture
« on: March 04, 2014, 05:46:23 pm »
So there is no way to do this without using the graphics card at all? I'm not worried about it being slow or resource intensive. I've looked into other libraries such as imagemagick but their documentation hasn't led me to believe it has the features I need to do this.

Graphics / Some help with RenderTexture
« on: March 04, 2014, 02:29:07 am »
Hi. I am trying to write an application that will make a collage out of images and save the collage to a file. I am having a couple problems and I was hoping you could help me.

1. When I call collage.getTexture().copyToImage().saveToFile("wallpaper.png"); it flips the image so that it is upside down. So far the only solution I can find is to flip all the images and adjust the coordinates of all the sprites I add to RenderTexture collage
EDIT: I have solved this problem. I found a related post that said I needed to call display() and that worked.

2. I cannot seem to load wallpapers above 2048x2048. I understand from reading the documentation that this limit is determined by my video card (in this case, integrated graphics). However, I formerly used a Windows application called ThetaWall on this same computer that was able to handle wallpapers of any size (it could handle all of my wallpapers, anyways). Is there some way to do this with the cpu instead and bypass this image size limit? If not, is there some other library you know of that will make this easier for me?

Thanks!  I was still having problems even after changing the function names, but the problem resolved itself when I just created a new project and imported my source files in and started over.  I think the problem is that I was using an old project file that was on my Windows install.

Basically, all functions are gone because SFML 2 uses a different naming convention (lowerCamelCase).

Is this a recent change?  I'm just confused because I found GetWidth on line 176 and GetHeight on line 189 in Windows.hpp

Also, I've only ever used 2.0 (never 1.6) and this compiled just fine in Windows.

Is there somewhere where you have a list of old function names and what the new equivalent is?

Which classes and functions?
error: ‘class sf::Window’ has no member named ‘GetWidth’
error: ‘class sf::Window’ has no member named ‘GetHeight’
error: ‘class sf::Clock’ has no member named ‘Reset’

If I were to comment out those lines, it would complain about another 15 or so(different functions and classes) in the next file.

Which version/revision of SFML 2 are you using? Do you have another version of SFML installed?

I don't know what you mean by "installed".  I have the version of SFML 2.0 that I compiled in windows sitting in the same Programming/Libraries/ folder (different subfolder), but there's no reason that should effect anything

Previous OS:  Windows 7
New OS: Kubuntu 12.04 (fully updated)

So, I have a project I was working on awhile ago using SFML 2.0 and it had no problems.  Recently I decided to start working on that project again, but I have since switched operating systems.  I downloaded the latest linux sources and compiled SFML 2.0 using CMake and I have all the dependencies installed.

CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE - (I did both)
GLEW_INCLUDE_PATH - /usr/include
GLEW_LIBRARY - /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGLEW.so
SFML_INSTALL_PKGCONFIG_FILES - yes  (could someone clarify what this does exactly?)

I managed to compile the libraries with no problems whatsoever in Code::Blocks

This is where it starts getting confusing to me.

I have .so, .so.2, and .so.2.0 files for everything.  Could someone explain to me what the difference is between each of these and whether I need all of them?  I was only expecting it to produce .so files.

Anyways, I went into my Code::Blocks project settings and configured it, telling it where the include and lib folders were.  I am linking to opengl32 and glu32 properly.  I am also linking to sfml-graphics, sfml-window, and sfml-system (those were the only ones I needed on Windows anyways... I don't see why it'd be different on Linux)

When I try to compile, I get tons of errors that read like this
error: 'class sf::<class name>' has no member named '<member function name>'

I assumed that you had changed the function names(2.0 is still in development after all), but when I looked into it, I found that this is not the case.  Not only does the Code::Blocks autocomplete know those member functions exist, but I even looked in the SFML header files to make sure.  All the member functions I am trying to use definitely exist.

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

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