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Messages - NameUser

Pages: [1] 2
General / Re: Default path differing between debugger and exe.
« on: April 12, 2013, 12:55:02 am »
Project settings > Debugging > Working directory > put $(TargetDir)
Ahhh, thank you so much. For such a simple thing, I was having so much trouble getting this solved because trying to google it gets you so many other things due to the particular key words you have to use such as path and debug.

General / Default path differing between debugger and exe.
« on: April 11, 2013, 10:38:49 pm »
For one, I'm sorry if I shouldn't post this here since it's not directly related to SFML. However, the issue is based off of SFML's image file loading.

I'm using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express. When I build and then run the built exe, the program starts its search path from the exe's location, and finds all of the images and other files in the same folder with it. However, when I try to run it via the debugger, the search path begins at C: and every single external file fails to load.

Does any have any idea why this is? Does it have something to do with SFML's file loading, or is it completely unrelated? Any ideas on how to fix this?

Network / Re: I'm just confused
« on: September 28, 2012, 04:52:00 am »
  • Start up any services if need be
  • Bind to a networking interface (generally a NIC card) - most generally used for listening as opposed to sending/connecting

Don't understand what you mean with these.

Network / Re: I'm just confused
« on: September 28, 2012, 04:17:40 am »
I'm using UDP, not TCP.

Network / I'm just confused
« on: September 28, 2012, 03:23:37 am »
I've been working on adding netplay functionality to my game. Sadly however, due to me having 0% experience with networking code, I've been struggling quite a bit with this.

I've gotten the game and server to communicate, but I can't get certain things to work. For example, must I send all of the data I want to give to the client in one packet? How can it tell what the data is and thus what to use it for? That's not a huge deal for now, but once the game expands more, that's a LOT to be sending in a single packet. For another, I can't get my server to support multiple clients properly. I read up on Selectors in the 1.6 tutorial, but sadly that's too outdated. Several vital functions in that tutorial either no longer exist or are TCP only.

Can anyone give me a more up to date tutorial? Or some examples? Or at least answer those two issues?

General / Re: File Path
« on: September 10, 2012, 01:25:58 am »
Debug -> Start Debugging

That usually. Though just running the exe directly yields the same results.

General / File Path
« on: September 10, 2012, 12:33:16 am »

When I moved computers, SFML started doing something odd. While before that it had started it's file path when loading images or files at the project, meaning I could easily include images or needed files within the project's folder, it now starts at the base. Because of this, I've had to keep my files in my C: directory and link to them there. It was a nuisance, but I just dealt with it. Now that I'm nearing giving out a very early alpha of my game to a few people, that's no longer an option.

Is there any reason SFML might no longer be starting the file path at the proper directory? If not, how can I go about manually setting to the file path to start at the project when the path to the project from the base might vary?

General / Re: Class Destructed on Function Return?
« on: August 22, 2012, 01:19:09 pm »
Dammit. Sorry, I completely forgot about the asserts.

You are absolutely correct however, so thank you very much.

General / Class Destructed on Function Return?
« on: August 22, 2012, 05:03:42 am »
Hi. I've been following a really helpful tutorial recently. It's a bit outdated though. I've already fixed a few issues due to that myself, but now I'm stumped. That is, if this is even the result of it's outdatedness.

I keep getting an access violation, which you can see for yourself by simply clicking the top of the screen twice. (sorry about not including the graphics, SFML is experiencing an odd glitch for me right now where it starts it's branch at C: as opposed to the folder the program is running from.)

Upon further investigation I narrowed it down to the recently added dynamic_cast in GameBall.cpp. Upon even further experimentation, it appears that whenever GameObjectManager runs one of it's functions, it's destructed on Return, thus causing access violations when it's referenced later. I can't for the life of me figure out why though.

If anyone could look at my solution and tell me what I'm missing, it would be greatly appreciated.


General / Re: Access Violation
« on: July 10, 2012, 12:32:21 am »
You're right Perde. My bad. I had been going to reuse this topic for another issue I was having but I decided to try again and work it out myself.

eXpl0it3r: As I said in the IRC, I understand how to create and control classes, but not efficent use. Unfamiliar with OOP though.

As for taking the time of the helper, you happen to be particularly helpful (which I appreciate), but you're not obligated to help me. Any person with experience can assist me. I also try my hardest to work things out myself before asking. I solve many problems myself. I only ask when I'm truly stumped.

As for it being 'less efficient', bear in mind that everyone has a different learning style. I have difficulty with rote memorization without real application.

General / Re: Access Violation
« on: July 09, 2012, 11:27:00 pm »
The book I read seemed quite good, and it covered all of the vitals. I think the bigger issue is that you can't really get many books on programming applied to game development, which has some vital differences. Are you honestly trying to tell me you all started being perfect programmers doing everything right and never needing help after reading a book?

I'm of the opinion that trying, failing, and recieving help is a far more efficent way to learn than reading another book.

Regardless, I didn't make this topic to debate my knowledge or learning styles. I'd appreciate it if I could just receive help with my issue. ;)

General / Re: Access Violation
« on: July 09, 2012, 02:06:33 am »
I have read a book. It did not give much coverage of splitting the code between multiple files. I had originally been using CPPs but someone told me I wanted to be using Headers instead. If you'd like to enlighten me on the right way to do it, I'd be happy to hear. I was aware of the delete issue, just hadn't fixed it yet.

Also thanks. That should have been completely obvious, but I have a tendency to overlook such things.

General / Access Violation
« on: July 09, 2012, 12:51:29 am »
I've been working on getting better with SFML. After a few simple projects which went well, I wanted to learn a vital skill. Dividing my code into seperate header files so that I don't just have a giant wall of code. I decided to try and remake Zelda II's Sword system, which I always felt was very fun to fight with.

However, I was soon stumped by this.

Unhandled exception at 0x76f415de in Zelda II Swordfight.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xc5fed298.

I managed to pinpoint it down to this line.

In Graphics Handling/func_drawscreen.h/window->draw(*sprite_title_p);

If I move the initialization of the texture and conversion of it to a sprite into the same file, all works fine.


There's my project. I'm using Microsoft Visual C++ 2012. I'm hoping this is just some dumb mistake on my part. If anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated.

General / Re: Errors On Compilation
« on: June 16, 2012, 10:50:43 pm »
Did you ever tell us that you recompiled SFML yourself? We even spoke about the 32-bit precompiled RC, and you said nothing. I think we wasted many posts in this thread... >:(

One final question, could anyone link me to a safe download of MSVCR100.dll?
Here is what your users are supposed to install:
Frankly I never even realized there was a precompiled version.  :-\

When you spoke of a 32-Bit RC I assumed it was expected that I recompiled. Apologies.

One final question, could anyone link me to a safe download of MSVCR100.dll?
Here is what your users are supposed to install:
That's not why I asked. I get an error whenever I try and test a program due to lack of that. Attempting to install that offers to repair or remove it. Repair doesn't help at all. Which brings me to my original question.

And now I need MSVCR100D.dll actually.


Through a lot of pain and suffering, I finally have it working. Thanks for all the help. This can be closed now.

General / Re: Errors On Compilation
« on: June 16, 2012, 09:36:39 pm »
A friend helped me out with this. The error was in the compilation of SFML. I accidently compiled it as 64-bit, which led to this large variety of issues.

Regardless, thanks for all the help. One final question, could anyone link me to a safe download of MSVCR100.dll?

Thanks. :P

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