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Messages - atlasC1

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: framerate limit
« on: June 06, 2012, 04:34:56 am »
Thanks Laurent,

Makes sense; I took a look at the implementation in window.cpp.

So, to my understanding, by using this option, your game loop rate becomes dependent on your frame rate.


General / Re: Extreme frame drop loading textures 256x256+
« on: June 05, 2012, 04:57:48 pm »
Are you running in debug or release mode? This can make a difference. Perhaps the profiler defaults to release mode or something (don't know, have never used it). Also, as far as I know, you generally want to avoid loading from disk when your frame rate is important. This is why games have loading screens; they load all of the large and important data into memory before the game starts, so you don't end up with slowdowns like the one you're experiencing.

Do you have another computer you could test it on?


Graphics / Re: framerate limit
« on: June 05, 2012, 06:41:44 am »
I'm brand new to SFML (trying it out in comparison to Allegro 5), and I too am slightly confused about the frame rate limiting.

Does limiting the frame rate limit the entire game loop speed? Or will it only affect the loop when display() is called?

What happens if our game runs into a complex situation, and the update takes too long to fit into a 60 ticks per second loop. Does the loop automatically drop frames, or will it continue to render them and slow down the loop even more? Would it be better to control the timing manually in this case, instead?

Thanks, and excellent work with the library!

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