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Messages - TheGameSquid

Pages: [1]
General / Haskell bindings for SFML
« on: December 29, 2015, 02:56:22 pm »
I am in now way related or a maintainer of this package, I just happened to stumble across it.

Apparently there's someone who's maintaining a package of Haskell bindings for SFML. Interesting to say the least! I haven't looked very much into it myself, let's just say Haskell is not my strongest point *sob*.

Obviously no work has been put into handling the threading and networking parts, because, like the author says, Haskell has better built-in solutions for this.

Have a look! It's available on Github and as a package on Hackage!
Github: https://github.com/SFML-haskell/SFML
Hackage: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/SFML

There's enough contact information there should someone want to reach out to the author.

Graphics / Sprite batch drawing examples
« on: June 06, 2014, 08:36:03 pm »

After working with other libraries and frameworks for a while (MonoGame, libGDX, etc.), I've come back to SFML because I love its clean, modular and simple approach.

However, because I usually attempt to make tile-based games (with maps in size comparable to games like Dwarf Fortress, Rim World, etc; often maps larger than 100x100 tiles when zoomed out), I do sort of miss the easy built-in sprite batching found in other frameworks.

My previous approach to limiting the amount of GPU draw calls was to put everything in Vertex arrays (usually I would split this up into 1 call for the map tiles, one for all living entities and one for objects visible on the map). However, my implementations of this were usually kind of messy, not very clean and totally not reusable in other projects. I'm not a professional programmer unfortunately :(

So I was wondering if someone else had some nice, reusable examples of sprite batch drawing lying around. Language doesn't matter (I'm currently using JSFML cause I'm building for Linux this time around, and well... I failed my C++ exam back in school  ;) )


Window / Only draw tiles that are within view
« on: June 11, 2012, 03:35:20 pm »

I'm trying to get my very first mini-engine together using the SFML.NET bindings and C#. I'm having trouble setting up a decent camera system though.

The "engine" (if it's even worth that name) I'm building is an ultra-simplistic tile engine. Using the View object I can implement a scrolling and zooming camera quite easily, I'm just having trouble making sure I only draw that which is in view (In other words, I'm having trouble determining what is actually within view. The drawing is simple).  :-[

I'm not asking for a complete solution or anything, but it would be nice if someone could point me in the right direction. I was unable to find examples of such implementations. If you did something similar in your project or know of some good examples , it would be awesome if you would share it.  :D

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