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Messages - Rabbel

Pages: [1]
Hi everybody, first time poster here. I am trying to make a pong type game and I am having trouble with getting the ball that i have bouncing around to collide with the paddle correctly. I have seen a few methods online that I must not be implementing right, the ball with either go through the paddle and bounce back a little later, strange movement etc. If anyone can look at my code and give some suggestions that would be great. Just the snippet of the if statement, xMovement is a float var.

 if(ballSprite.GetPosition().x + ballSprite.GetScale().x + ballSprite.GetPosition().y + ballSprite.GetScale().y <= bluePaddleSprite.GetPosition().x + bluePaddleSprite.GetScale().x + bluePaddleSprite.GetPosition().y + bluePaddleSprite.GetScale().y)
                         xMovement = -xMovement;

Pages: [1]