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Messages - maiev

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Graphics and design question - sf::Image
« on: July 04, 2012, 11:40:28 pm »
Thanks for all the help!  I think I have a workable solution for this now.

Graphics / Re: Graphics and design question - sf::Image
« on: July 03, 2012, 10:44:50 pm »
I am not sure but If you need a GUI you can take a look at SFGUI.

This looks great but I don't think it's what I need.

After a bit more thinking I think the best solution for the menu is just to create it externally and then scale it if I ever change my resolution.  On that note, is scaling down a bad idea graphically?  Upscaling seem bad intuitively but what about downscaling?

Graphics / Graphics and design question - sf::Image <resolved>
« on: July 03, 2012, 09:57:51 pm »

This is actually more of a design issue than an actual sfml one but any feedback would be appreciated.

Assuming window size is fixed, I want to create a "text box" with a custom border from an image.  I see two ways of solving this.  One is to just create a sprite of the correct size and draw that each frame, but this is likely relatively costly and the image itself would have to be modified if I decide to ever change the window size.  The second option is to get a sprite sheet of small segments of the border such as vertical, horizontal, and edge pieces and then create the border programmatically.  Once created, I want to keep this image as a whole to be drawn later.  Is the best way to do this just coping these loaded images onto a master image?

Similarly what if I want to create a very dense menu, such as a player menu with complex layout.  This menu will likely be too complex to break down into components.  At this point the only solution I can imagine is just having the entire menu predefined and loading it as an image.  Does anyone have a better method to implement this?

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