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Messages - floAr

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: BeyondTheBlur: Ramblings over Kode and SFML
« on: August 01, 2012, 05:20:21 pm »
First post of prototyping framework is online, new one are sheduled over the next 2 weeks. And the C# source code for the first 6 installments are placed in the repo ;)

SFML projects / Re: BeyondTheBlur: Ramblings over Kode and SFML
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:19:19 pm »
It will pick up some features libnoises uses too. But it will be focused more on the generation of playable terrains. We are working on a procedural world generator for RPGs which uses our lib. So our focus is not only located on the algorithms to genereate noise, it extends to the generation and manipulation to achieve worlds which provide a solid grounding for games.

Blog link : http://beyondtheblur.wordpress.com/
Repo link : https://github.com/floAr/BeyondTheBlur

General / Re: Mouse position problem
« on: July 27, 2012, 01:37:36 pm »
The problem could be that you bind the cursor position to the mouse alone.
When you transfer the screen (or the view) you wont move the cursor.
So save a vector for your cursor position and add the mouse AND camera movement to this vector.

So if you do
also do

This could solve the problem.

SFML projects / BeyondTheBlur: Ramblings over Kode and SFML
« on: July 27, 2012, 01:07:06 pm »
Hey there!
As some of you may already know from this topic I created a new blog with a friend to document our ramblings through a coders life. We will post about general concepts regarding game development and show some prototypes and implementations in C# and C++. Currently there are two main series in the making:
  • Prototyping framework for SFML.net and C#: A simple framework with some base classes to speed up development of new game concepts. This will be a series of short, sometimes unrelated posts, coping with thoughts on game concepts and what we need to set them up. Maybe there will be a framework or engine later on when some useful snippets assemble but this is not the short time goal
  • LScape, a procedural landscape generation library: It is a library written in C++ that will generate a wide variety of terrains and output them to a 2D height map. There will be an opener to this series today, or maybe tomorrow.
We also got a git repository where you can skim through the code we generate when we struggle to manifest our ideas in code. The repo is not full synched with the blog, so beware of not-working code and bad formatting when you browse the code before it was used in an article ;)

As always feedback, ideas and critics are highly welcome!


DotNet / Re: SpriteBatch
« on: July 27, 2012, 09:15:27 am »
Hey SuperV1234!
I would gladly like to share my approach, at the moment I have a simple state system, content management, physics and the batched drawing in place. My goal is not to provide an engine or framework as is, but to build some prototypes and extract components, which are helping me :)
On the long term there might be something like a framework or an engine but it is definitely not my short term goal. But feel free to extract whatever you need and add it to your framework ;)
The source code will be mirrored in a git repo on github (the link is on the blog too). At the moment it is not up to date, but I will commit today and you can skim the source if you want. Please note that the code is still work in progress and will most likely change until I publish the corresponding article ;)


DotNet / SpriteBatch
« on: July 26, 2012, 02:58:04 pm »
Hey folks!
I would like to give you a sneak peak at my new blog at https://BeyondTheBlur.wordpress.com.
I will post some tutorials on SFML.Net there and there is also a SFML (C++ this time) world generator in the making. We are producing articles right now and scheduling them for the beginning of August. I will build a framework on top of SFML for rapid prototyping and building a bunch of useful snippets as we advance in the series.
At the moment I am working on batched drawing with a spritebatch and got some impressive results.
I am rendering 32x32 px objects, all with a single colored texture and monitoring the time from starting to draw until drawing is finished (no event polling ecetera pp). The time is milliseconds per frame. Here is what I got:
  • 100 objects: Normal: <0.1 ms/f | Spritebatch: <0.1 ms/f
  • 1000 objects: Normal: ~7 ms/f | Spritebatch: <0.1 ms/f
  • 10000 objects: Normal: ~90 ms/f | Spritebatch: ~9 ms/f
  • 100000 objects: Normal: >1100 ms/f | Spritebatch: ~100 ms/f

Basically I´m writing every texture I load into a texture atlas and use vertex quads to draw them. As my graphic objects just need to save a texture position they are really lightweight.
I think I will cover this at the end of August, as I need to add some features and polish the whole thing. Feedback and feature suggestions are highly welcome :)

Regards floAr

Graphics / Re: SFML 2.0 gif Encoding
« on: July 13, 2012, 02:04:58 pm »
Thank you, this looks quite good.
I will check it out when im back home, as i cant install cmake on this machine.

Graphics / Re: SFML 2.0 gif Encoding
« on: July 13, 2012, 01:47:51 pm »
I do not plan to use the Gifs in my game. The objects for the game are coded into an xml like file.
I just want to make it possible to export an object to gif, to show it around and post in on websites :)
Because of this gif support is not killer feature for me and i dont want to invest much time into implementing it.
If there is no easy way the feature will be put to rest

Graphics / SFML 2.0 gif Encoding
« on: July 13, 2012, 01:35:16 pm »
Hey folks!
I´m working on an animation system for a small 2D game with sfml at the moment.
I build my objects on a pixel base, rather than loading them into the engine. I have nearly everything in place right now (You may exspect some screenshots next week) and I am building an editor to allow the users to build own items ingame.
What I want to do now is: Exporting the objects into an animated gif. As far as i know there is no native way in sfml to do this, but does anyone knows a c++ lib which may help me to accomplish this task quick and easy?
This is not a main feature, as i save my objects into my own format and just want to have the gif export to create some eye candy outside the game ;)

Best regards!

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