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Messages - Mina

Pages: [1]

i've been trying to get to fully know the dependencies of my sfml program, so that i can make somewhat of a guarentee of platforms it 'should' work on without a problem. so i have a couple'a questions~

1. i've compiled the sfml libs from source with vs2010 and dynamically linked to the c/c++ runtimes (same as the program sfml will be linked too, of course). when i statically link the static sfml libs into my program, i get a linker warning (LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library). this confuses me for a start, because that is apparently the static runtime library, but as i already mentioned everything was compiled with /MD. i'm also confused to see that some of the static smfl libs have linker directives to msvcrt. anyway, i know that i can /NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt or msvcrt, but i'm really interested in knowing the consequences of this, and _why_ this is happening.

2. i'm seeing the system msvcrt being a dependency of libsndfile-1.dll, so i'm curious what the compatability is like for those two external libs in the sfml distribution. is this even worth worrying about? i have read that the system msvcrt can be many different versions throughout the msvc history and that it's only forwards compatible, is that true?

i hope someone can help me learn the 'why' of how this binary dependency stuff works so i can have some confidence to ship an sfml program.

thanks for reading~

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