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Messages - Juan

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Simple multimedia aplication: some guidance needed
« on: September 10, 2012, 06:19:43 pm »

wouldn't it be possible to simply have a scrollbar that has some number representing the current slider position and then you could move the sf::View accordingly?

Yep maybe, thats the problem I don't know, it seems that nobody knows, I had the hope that someone here had worked with xwWidgets + SFML before  :-\ . Should I try Qt instead?

I will try a diferent way to get it working  ;)
Thank you very much  ;D

General / Re: Simple multimedia aplication: some guidance needed
« on: September 07, 2012, 11:52:15 pm »
Wow thanks for the quick reply  ;D.
I have a simple program  (based on the tutorial) that opens a window with a menu bar, the menu bar has the 'open' option  it opens a dialog to choose an image file, the program open it and draw it in a SFML RenderWindow. The code seems to work fine, but now i don't know how to add scroll bars for example (if i open a large image i can only see a portion of it or draws it scaled) I have searched but it is very specific for SFML, I have tryed also with this code (compiles well but crashes when I run it).
Any coment or idea is welcome.

You can see my project here.

General / Simple multimedia aplication: some guidance needed
« on: September 07, 2012, 05:56:48 pm »
Hi  :).
I decided (for no disernible reason  8) ) to make a simple multimedia application, SFML looks like the tool I need but i need some help because i have never work with GUI (I'm a java programmer for web apps). I know it sounds like the classic noob waiting his problems solved by someone else, but I have NO idea for where start. I decided to use wxWidgets and complete some tutorials even compiled the Wiki example to integrate SFML and wxWidgets and I'm stucked  :-\ I don't know what to do next, I googled, and searched in this forum I just need a little help to know where to start. Thanks

What I want is to make a simple program that open a bitmap file choosen by the user (File Dialog) and the user would be able to drag the image to any position.
Should I load and draw the image in a SFML canvas?
How i can make a "working area" of variable size on the fly?

Thanks in advance.   ;D

P.D.  I'm not a native speaker so I'm sorry if I'm dificult to understand.  :-[

Pages: [1]