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Messages - Laguna

Pages: [1]
General / Flickering SFML-View with Qt
« on: May 12, 2009, 07:38:18 pm »
Yes... but then I'd have to be extremely carefull about epilepsy...  :roll:

General / Flickering SFML-View with Qt
« on: May 11, 2009, 09:36:05 pm »
Thx you are great!  :D
It's working now

Somethings must be wrong with the search, because typing qt didn't bring any results.

So Far...


General / Flickering SFML-View with Qt
« on: May 11, 2009, 08:33:43 pm »

Win Xp SP3
Visual studio 2008
SFML 1.4
QT 4.5.1

Intel T7200 Dual Core
2Gb Dual Channel Ram
GeforceGo 7900

I tried to finish the qt tutorial. Everything's fine, the qt Window is there sfml-widget is initialized and there there, the loaded image is there, but I have one problem:
The sfml-widget is flickering. The green( clear()) against the grey window-background.
The source ode is exactly copied from the given sample files. (The Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground attribute is set.)

I suppose this is somehow connected with the use of QTimer.

Do I have to set some additional compiler, qt or sfml options?
Could this be some crippling with a dual core processor? Do I have to activate some Buffers?

When I set a frameratelimit with sfml the interval changes but the flickering still exists.
Vsync doestn make the problem any better.
The Problem occurs in Debug and Release. Uninitialized variables shouldnt be the problem.

thx for help
So Far...


General discussions / got lots of warnings, (although it works)
« on: April 17, 2009, 08:54:21 am »
This means I'm no longer portable in debug mode?

I did link statically, that's the point which confuses me.

I'll try fixing it when I come home

General discussions / got lots of warnings, (although it works)
« on: April 16, 2009, 10:37:03 pm »
I suppose they do harm. If I try running the debug version on another computer, it tells me something like "This application couldn't be startet, because the applicationconfiguration is not correct. Please try reinstall...blabla" (or is that another problem? and if, how can i avoid it ?)

How exactly do I have to set up my project ? (using vs 2008)
Do i have to change the projectdatabase folder or somehow tell vs where to find the debug information (the point is: where can ->I<- found this information) or how can i create it ?

Thx alot for help.


General / [solved] sf::String::Text, memory access violation (read)
« on: March 13, 2009, 08:41:12 am »
- Try updating yout nVidia Drivers (nvoglnt.dll is responsible for nvidia <-> OpenGl )

- Initialize Strings like this (works fine for me)
Code: [Select]

sf::Font arial;
arial.LoadFromFile("arial.ttf", 32 );
 sf::String ("bla", arial)

whereas font is NOT the default font.

- Use Static linked version of SFML (works fine for me)

General / Error When Closing Window
« on: March 11, 2009, 06:40:48 pm »
For me, using the static libaries fixed the problem.
Great! :-)

But I'll remember the point with the default font.

thx for this great support! :D

So Far...


General / Error When Closing Window
« on: March 11, 2009, 11:59:43 am »

No this didn't fix it. The problem does not seem to be associated with sf::font oder the default font.

It makes no difference wether the text is set via sf::string.SetText() or via the constructor of sf::string.

So Far...


General / Error When Closing Window
« on: March 11, 2009, 09:14:11 am »
It's interesting, that the problem occurs, even if the sf:string object has been deleted long ago before the termination of the program.

Any Guesses? Just using no strings will cause no error, but this is surely not the way intended.

So Far...


General / Error When Closing Window
« on: March 10, 2009, 11:19:43 pm »
Well I do have the same problem. Did you solve it by now?

Win Xp 32 bit Sp 3 (also an Nvidia card)
with Visual Studio 2008 and SFML 1.4

The problem only appears, when i tried to use a sf::string. The problem occurs after i set the text of the string.
If the string is only created but with no text, there is no error.

So Far...


Graphics / Sfml crahses on Image::LoadFromFile
« on: November 05, 2008, 10:34:20 am »
My Program crashes every time, i try to use the named method.
along with the crash the console writes cryptic letters and my pc mainboard speaker creates awful "beeps"

The Data is in the given position and the image and the sprite are properly initialized. (image::create works fine)

I'm using Visual studio 2008

Any intentions?

So Far...


Pages: [1]