Network / Re: FTP cannot download file: status is 1003
« on: March 22, 2014, 10:41:24 pm »http://sfml-dev.org/documentation/2.1/classsf_1_1Ftp.php#a20c1600ec5fd6f5a2ad1429ab8aa5df4QuotelocalPath Where to put to file on the local computerI don't know if this should be more explicit. Obviously eXpl0it3r and drhaximus understand this to be an absolute path to a file, whereas in the code it is implemented as the destination directory in which to create a file with the same name as the remote file. I understood it as it was coded but I guess it can be ambiguous depending on what background you come from.
Maybe rephrasing it to "The directory in which to put the file on the local computer" might make it more clear.
So I'm supposed to specify the directory ommitting the actual file name? Like "/folder/"?
This is exactly what to do.
To fix what I was doing wrong, simply specify the directory WITHOUT the filename, so the line which downloads the file is now:
sf::Ftp::Response x=ftp.download("master.txt","");